Models Direct Busts Common Modelling Myths

From: Models Direct
Published: Mon Jan 26 2009

Despite the fact that advertising, television, and fashion require a vast range of models, many people have a preconceived idea of the ‘ideal model’. According to leading modelling agency Models Direct, however, there is no such thing as an ‘ideal’ look for a model. When you look around at advertising these days you see a large pool of models made up of both sexes and of different races, sizes, shapes and ages. For anyone still convinced there is an ‘ideal model’ type, Models Direct has busted some of the myths of modelling.

Myth #1: You have to be skinny
Being stick thin is not a requirement for models. There are certainly jobs which require slim people, but there are now many opportunities for plus sized models too. Being a model is not about being skinny but is more about being proportionate and toned to suit your size. According to Tyra Banks, the general requirements for plus sized models include being size 12-16 (US sizing), proportionate hip and shoulder widths and height between 5"8 and 6"0.

Myth #2: You have to be blonde and blue-eyed
Traditionally, these features were considered necessary to label someone ‘beautiful’, however, the modelling world has seen a change. Today, models from a wider range of ethnic groups are wanted.

Myth #3: You have to be a 15-25 year old female
The simple truth can be found in advertisements around you: see advertising campaigns from companies such as Dove and Nike.

Unfortunately, the word model still comes with a stigma. There are plenty of models who don’t fit the traditional mould, yet people still convince themselves that to be a model you must be ‘perfect’. The demand for a more diverse range of models sizes is on the increase. The only barrier to launching your modelling career is the barrier you put up for yourself. Try modelling today, become a model.

Further links/information:

* To find out more about Models Direct:

* Find out about how you could become a model:

* To find a model for your business:

David Chandler
Campaign Manager
England, UK
+44 (0) 870 041 0459
Company: Models Direct
Contact Name: David Chandler
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Contact Phone: +44 (0) 870 041 0459

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