Published: Tue Mar 20 2012

A constant reminder of a ‘fantastic’ day out has been presented to the Royal British Legion at Waltham.

Kettle Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons, which is part of the Fairways Partnership, gave a photograph to members of the legion who went to RAF Scampton last Christmas.

Staff from the funeral home, based on Granville Street, took around 25 Royal British Legion members and their friends or partners to RAF Scampton in December for a Christmas party. The group enjoyed lunch, a tour of the hangar, gifts, a choir of local schoolchildren and a display by the Red Arrows.

Funeral director Malcolm Angel said: "We wanted to present them with the photograph of the entire group who visited RAF Scampton as a reminder of a fantastic day out. The photo will take pride of place on the wall in the Waltham Royal British Legion."

Photo:(left right) A British Legion guest, Gillian Angel (Community Development Officer for RAF Scampton), Gillian from British Legion Waltham, Malcolm Angel and a party guest.

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For further information please contact:

Samantha Shale March 16th, 2012
The Co-operative Group
0161 827 5889