Smart Security Virus

Published: Thu Jan 31 2013

The Smart Security Virus is nothing new. It's a malware client this is a clone of several other past fake security clients like Security Tool. had close to 1 million page views just for the Security Tool virus threat. As this is a clone of that client it may spread just as much as it's predecessor.

Like most fake antivirus programs, Smart Security will show constant error messages and viruses warnings. The warning given off are false and very misleading. The goal of the program is to scare the user into thinking they are infected with several viruses so they make a purchase of the software program.

We need to be clear that there are several legitimate anti-virus programs on the market that have the words "Smart" and/or "Smart Security" in the name.

If you are confused as to if you have this virus an easy way to tell is by trying to install a secondary anti-virus client. The virus called Smart Security will in most cases block the install of this virus threat. It will also limit the types of programs you can open on your computer. So for instance you may no longer be able to open word documents or certain other programs.

The removal of Smart Security can be hard for those that have never dealt with this kind of virus before. If you are not tech savvy or just don't have the time we recommend you higher a computer repair expert to remove Smart Security for you. Getting your computer repaired online is one way to not only save time but also money. Many places like http:/// offer remote computer repair services that are far lower then many other in-home computer repair shops. Remote computer repair by PC Ninja is based out of California and all technicians are industry certified.

In most cases those with proper anti-virus software installed in the first place would not of been infected. Many free anti-virus clients are stripped down versions of the paid anti-virus client. If you are using a free client and like the maker you should consider upgrading to the paid client or consider an alternative like Spyware Doctor with Antivirus.

While manual removal for Smart Security is not recommended unless you are a PC expert it can be down. This Smart Security removal guide on shows users what steps they can take to manually remove this threat. There is also a comments section for you to get help as well if you need it. For several years has been a leader in helping people remove viruses from their computer. The self help guides under the How To Section can be a great resource for those looking to do specific things but not 100% sure how to do them.
Contact Name: Jacob Erdei
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