“World Gastroenterological Conference”

From: Allied Academies
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017

Allied Academies Conferences is honored to invite you all at "World Gastroenterological Conference’ during July 24-25, 2017, Chicago, USA. This conference is going to structured around the theme "Advancing the Science of Gastroenterology and patient care". Gastro 2017 is a CME and CPD accredited conference and welcomes Gastroenterelogist, Surgeons, Research Scholars, Faculty members, Endocrinologist , young examiners and distinctive vision business visionaries from around the globe to make the social affair a perfect stage to dole out and get encounter, propel joint endeavors across over industry and educational world, and assess the 21st century solutions and advancements of gastroenterelogy. The conference would include workshops, symposium, special sessions on the latest advancement in Gastroeneterology.
Website link: http://gastro.alliedacadamies.com/
Company: Allied Academies
Contact Name: Victoria Beckham
Contact Email: gastro@alliedconferences.org
Contact Phone: +1-201-877-9344 Extn-8096

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