Brucellosis-Free Status Would Be Significant Development For Irish Agriculture Says Killeen

From: Dunphy Public Relations
Published: Tue Oct 14 2008

That is according to Minister of State and Clare T.D. Tony Killeen who this week welcomed the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Brendan Smith TD’s confirmation that he intends to submit the application to the EU next April.

"Ireland is now in a position to be declared Brucellosis-free because of the dramatic reduction in the incidence of Brucellosis over the past decade and because there has been no confirmed outbreak of this disease here since April 2006", explained Minister of State Killeen.

He continued, "I acknowledge that the eradication arrangements have been disruptive and costly both to farmers and to the Department of Agriculture, in terms of compensation and the substantial additional costs incurred on testing and other economic losses arising from the premature removal of infected cattle. Our combined efforts and success in combating Brucellosis is due to a number of factors, not least the full cooperation of all stakeholders with the eradication regime."

Minister of State Killeen pointed out that securing Brucellosis-free status for Ireland would enable the Department to reduce some of the control elements of the eradication programme over the coming years with a beneficial impact on farmers, particularly in relation to trade.

He commented, "A gradual reduction in the level of testing would, over time, lead to lower testing costs for farmers. However, we need to take a cautious approach and a controlled reduction in the programme over a period of years, based on risk assessment, following the achievement of disease free status for the country."

"It should be noted that the eradication of Brucellosis has brought about considerable Public Health benefits as the risk of a disease that was once a significant threat to the health of farmers, vets and others in agriculture is now greatly diminished", concluded the Junior Agriculture Minister.


Notes to Editor:
- For further information please contact Mark Dunphy of Dunphy Public Relations on 00353868534900 or
- High-resolution images of Minister Killeen are available

Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
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