Christmas Fire Safety Appeal Launched In County Clare

From: Dunphy Public Relations
Published: Wed Dec 10 2008

handover to Kilrush Fire Brigade of an Aerial Rescue Fire Appliance. The vehicle, the first of its kind to be located in Kilrush, was procured to enhance the aerial capabilities of the local Fire Brigade and particularly with regard to new developments, such as apartment and hotel complexes.

The EUR351k appliance will also act as a Water Tower to deal with incidents at Moneypoint Generating Station, in addition to any general incidents that it may attend. The vehicle replaces an existing Class B Water tender but will still have the capability of carrying water and ladders.

Mayor of Clare, Councillor Madeline Taylor Quinn, who handed over the keys of the "Bronto" Fire Appliance to Kilrush Station Officer Martin Cahill, reiterated the Fire Safety message that is being promoted this Christmas – "Enjoy Christmas and look after the basics so that you do not have the Fire Service visiting"

The Mayor continued, "Open fires are used for longer periods during the Christmas period as people spend a lot more time at home. Electrical items and extension leads are used more. Add in flammable decorations, candles and alcohol and it becomes apparent that the risks increase during the festive season."

Clare Fire and Rescue Service were mobilised to 99 incidents, including 53 fires, during the 2007 Christmas period.

According to Adrian Kelly, Chief Fire Officer, Clare County Fire and Rescue Service, "The main causes of fire during the festive season are candles left unprotected, fairy lights left on all night or improperly wired, Christmas trees falling over, open fires without fireguards and decorations catching fire."

"Clare County Fire and Rescue Service wishes everyone a safe Christmas and a happy New Year. We wish to remind members of the public to brief themselves with our safety tips to ensure that their holidays are not ruined by fire incidents", he added.

- Install a smoke alarm and check it weekly.
- Always use a proper candleholder and make sure the candle fits firmly inside it. Leave plenty of space above and around the candle and candleholder
- Keep candles away from curtains, Christmas cards and anything that can catch fire
- Never leave candles unattended or go to sleep when they are alight
- Make sure your Christmas tree has a good base or is attached to the wall. Remember that trees dry out and make very good fuel to start a fire.
- Be careful with any decorations placed near the fireplace
- Visit any elderly neighbours. Smoke alarms make good presents as they are for life…saving life.

Clare County Fire and Rescue Service is presently involved in numerous other Community Fire Safety Initiatives around the County. In 2008, personnel from Clare County Fire and Rescue Service carried out in excess of 100 home visits to vulnerable groups providing fire safety advice and installing Smoke Detectors where necessary. Elsewhere, firefighters have visited local schools giving fire safety advice sessions.

Meanwhile, Clare County Fire and Rescue Service has released new figures indicating a significant drop in call outs during the first 11 months of 2008, compared to the same period last year.

The service responded to 1168 incidents between January and November, a drop of 6% on the 2007 figure. Road based incidents fell by 13% from 253 to 219, there was an 8% drop in fire call outs while bogus calls received by the service decreased by 16%.

2008 was also a significant year for Clare County Fire & Rescue Service, in terms of the number of Capital Projects undertaken or completed.

The projects include the completion of the extension (EUR554k) to Killaloe Fire Station; the commencement of upgrade works (EUR1.2million) at Shannon Fire Station, delivery of a new Class B Fire Appliance (EUR288k) to Shannon Fire Brigade; the delivery of four pre-owned Fire Appliances (EUR453k) to various stations; and delivery of a Volkswagen 4 Motion Crewcab (EUR40k) to Killaloe.


Note to Editor:
- Adrian Kelly, Chief Fire Officer, Clare County Fire & Rescue Service is available for interview and/or further comment. Please contact Mark Dunphy of Dunphy Public Relations on 086-8534900 or email

Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
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