Efusjon Meets Facebook, Most Exciting Launch In Internet History

From: Efusjon Energy Club
Published: Fri Jun 26 2009

Efusjon’s energy club is going to be exploding all over the largest social networking site, Facebook, in just a few short days. The people that get in now before this launch and join with Randy and Courtney Neale, will be placed very high in the community matrix.

"Efusjon came across our desk about two months ago and frankly I didn’t really care to look at it. I guess it was the person that presented it to me, that made me forget about it. Lately, however, I have had some very big names in network marketing calling me and emailing me wanting Courtney and I to join. So I had to take a closer look. What I found was two companies led by billionaires from Microsoft, Paramount Pictures, etc., that came up with a network marketing program combined with social networking, that is going to create a lot of millionaires." Randy Neale says.

"I had to do some digging around to find the best team in Efusjon that could get Courtney and I placed as high as possible in the company matrix, low and behold, we secured a very high position in this company and we couldn’t be more excited. What does this mean to us and to anyone that joins with us? It means some massive spill-over that will create some very lucrative incomes for us and our team." Randy continues.

Efusjon has tapped into an already eight billion dollar per year industry and has gone the extra mile to make their products superior in many ways. To get an idea, please go to www.Efusjonlogic.com.

"Randy and I have been involved with a lot of programs over the years and the one thing we are looking for in home based businesses is longevity. We want to build a strong residual income so that we can retire early and retire in style and enjoy our lives. Efusjon is the vehicle that will make that happen for us." Courtney Neale states.

For more information on Efusjon and to join a very top team in Efusjon, please go to Randy and Courtney Neale’s website www.Efusjonlogic.com today.

Press Contact:
Randy Neale
Efusjon Energy Club
Parker, CO
Company: Efusjon Energy Club
Contact Name: Randy Neale
Contact Email: info@visiblewealth.com
Contact Phone: 720-341-4655

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