Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) are Getting Ready for their Launch

From: Visible Wealth, Inc
Published: Tue Jun 30 2009

Giblink is a multi-million dollar company that has been growing rapidly for over two years and has already paid out in excess of eight million dollars in commissions.
"We were blessed to secure a very top position in this upcoming merger between Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM). We have been associated with two of the largest names in network marketing and when they invited us to get in with this program at the top, we jumped on board." Randy Neale says.

Randy Continues, "What does this mean to anyone joining our team? You might ask. Well, very simple stated, massive spill-over. Giblink already has over 60,000 members. We are at the top of the matrix, with those 60,000 members filling in below us and that's before Global Traffic Matrix merger and launching to the's going to be huge."

Giblink is a Social Networking site that members can chat and share information with other people about their opportunities. You can post your videos, press releases and other information on Giblink and get your information in front of the masses. Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) is a cooperative traffic and advertising network that generates massive, targeted traffic for members by combining multiple advertising and traffic generation sources, with the compensation plan for entrepreneurs.

"I talk with people every day about various opportunities and the number one thing out of every person's mouth, is, how do I get traffic to my website so that I can be successful? Giblink is the answer. Courtney and I have a lot of marketing experience, and social networking is proving to be a great way to network with people all over the world. Why not join a program like the merger between Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) and make great money while you market and advertise your opportunity?" Randy says.

He continues, "Not only does Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) allow you to make great money using their services, but you will also make an income by marketing your opportunities. You really can't go wrong and it's a win-win situation. I'm finding that the income from Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) will be a lot larger than the opportunities we are actually marketing because of our placement in the matrix. Our member's will experience the same thing."

For more information on Giblink and Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) please go to Randy and Courtney Neale's site at today.

Press Contact:
Randy Neale
Visible Wealth, Inc
Parker, CO
Company: Visible Wealth, Inc
Contact Name: Randy Neale
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 720-341-4655

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