Giunti Labs, the leading learning and mobile content management solution provider, is running a half-day seminar on innovative and creative solutions for new generation educational content production, sharing and management. These solutions have now been brought to the US via its Giunti Labs North America operations, out of Atlanta, Georgia.
The seminar – which takes place from 8.30am to 1:00pm on Wednesday, September 16, at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers - is part of the EdNET 2009 conference (September 13 – 16), being held in Chicago, Illinois, US.
Participation in the half day workshop is free for event attendees. External interested parties are invited on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. To reserve a place at this workshop, contact Minna Leikas, Giunti Labs’ marketing manager at
Delegates will be introduced to highly successful market projects for building digital content marketplaces and economies for learning resources production and sharing, such as the Saudi Maknaz Initiative, federating all the Universities in Saudi Arabia, the Cegos SoftSkill training catalog, producing Europe's leading multi-language soft skills training catalog, and the UK NHS R-ITI initiative, one of the world’s most effective medical education content production initiatives to date.
The workshop is intended for academic and corporate CIOs and CLOs, along with strategy decision makers within large Universities and School Districts who want to implement new digital content production, management and sharing strategies by integrating LCMS and DR solutions in their learning infrastructures behind their existing LMS and VLE set-ups, such as Moodle™, Sakai™, Angel™ or Blackboard™.
This workshop will allow stakeholders to achieve wider reusability, interoperability, accessibility and durability of their online learning materials while sharing them among federated networks and empowering new generation learning experiences, personalizing learning contents to the device, location and background skills and portfolios of target students and trainees.
At the accompanying EdNET exhibition, Giunti Labs is launching new releases of its globally acclaimed Online and Mobile Learning Content Management Suite, learn eXact LCMS and of its Digital Repository Solution Harvestroad Hive DR, which will be showcased in the final part of the workshop.
The Workshop agenda
8.30-8.50 Welcome. Changing US Education: Need or Opportunity?
Susan Patrick, President and CEO, iNacol, International Association for K-12 Online Learning
9.00-10.00 Advancing Creativity and Innovation in Europe’s Educational Technology Research Program. And Surviving Global Crisis and Competition.
Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO, Giunti Labs. Chair, European Learning Industry Group (ELIG)
10.10-11.00 New Generation Content, Assesment, Application and Curriculum Standards: from Content Packaging to SCORM, Common Cartridge and Beyond
Presentation by Dr. Rob Abel, CEO, The IMS Global Learning Consortium, followed by an open Q&A session with other content standards experts, including Mr. Angelo Panar, ADL SCORM
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.45 New Generation Learning Content Management Standards, Solutions and Services in Action.
learn eXact LCMS 2009 Enterprise Edition and HarvestRoad Hive DR Version 4 platforms. Best Practice Case Studies.
Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO Giunti Labs
Jeff Hanjian, Educational Manager, Giunti Labs North America
12.45-13.00 Q&A
The workshop will introduce new generation, state-of-the-art learning content production and management needs and solutions, including highlights on new sector standards. It will showcase Giunti Labs’ engagement into Europe’s leading research initiatives such as the CONTSENS, IRMOS, MOBIlearn, Sculpteur and Wearit at work projects addressing new generation learning content management in mobile, wearable and virtual worlds based learning as well as projects introducing real cases of of Learning Content Management (LCMS) and Digital Repository (DR) deployments worldwide within large Educational Networks and Universities.
About EdNET (
EdNET 2009 brings together education’s top business executives and innovators. It aims to provide delegates with deep and relevant insight into the education market’s rapidly changing landscape to identify trends and opportunities for business development. Each year, EdNET gathers the industry together to network, identify hot business opportunities, and discuss what's ahead for the market. Sessions focus on interpreting and forecasting trends, dialoging with key educational leaders and networking.
About Giunti Labs
Giunti Labs is a leading Online and Mobile Learning Content Management Solutions provider with offices in London (UK) and around the world.
Giunti Labs provides a wide range of solutions for content development, content management and content delivery; covering:
• Multi-language bespoke content production
• Content management and digital repository platforms
• ePortfolio and skills management solutions
• Mobile learning technologies
• Consulting and professional services
Giunti Labs provides solutions to many sectors including public sector, defence, manufacturing, finance, retail, ICT, education and healthcare.
Giunti Labs is part of Giunti Group, a leading educational and cultural heritage publisher with roots back to 1841. Over the years Giunti has built a catalogue of over 7.000 titles and has acquired new brands in Italy and worldwide.
Further information from:
Minna Leikas, Giunti Labs, +39 3474435167,
Bob Little, Bob Little Press & PR, +44 (0)1727 860405,
Giunti Labs reveals the latest trends in online, mobile and blended learning
Company: Amnis Ltd
Contact Name: Bob Little
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Contact Phone: +44 (0)1727 860405
Contact Name: Bob Little
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Contact Phone: +44 (0)1727 860405