At Hand Productions is expanding its presence

From: At Hand Productions, Inc.
Published: Tue May 24 2005

Many individuals conceive ideas on how the businesses that they desire to develop, but many fail to follow through on their ideas. Their failure stems from their fear to proceed.

At Hand Productions originally started as a music student’s idea in 1999, now it has developed into a small corporation that produces arena entertainment. The path At Hand Productions started as an idea then was conceived on paper, but it was only missing one element, the entertainment. Since 1999, At Hand Productions was officially created in 2005 and has its eyes on expanding its services in the next 10 years. Currently on At Hand Productions’ agenda, one can expect to see seven new productions coming off the assemble line. And one can see At Hand Productions’ performances broadcast on TV channels on the local networks and through streaming media.

"I originally conceived of At Hand Productions when I was attending The University of the Arts during my undergraduate years," says Andrew Hanna, CEO and production manager of At Hand Productions and producer of Prophecies of War, My Journal, and other similar productions. "I’ve found many productions lacking in a certain element. The element that I refer to cannot be described in words, but if any thing, much of the music and theater that I listen and watch was missing a certain intellectual and emotional aspect. Much of the entertainment that is on the local Philadelphia market was and is missing theses aspects, if any thing they fail to push the envelope, challenge audiences, to push people into a different direction. I guess one can say that much of the theater and concerts fall into the cookie cutter approach. A productions is created and the producers change the character’s name and might change the plot to a certain degree, but in the end there really is no new production."

At Hand productions has developed as a Philadelphia concert and theater production company that creates original productions that attract demographics from many diversities. One can see college students, accountants, teachers, lawyers, businesspersons, professors, doctors in the audience of At Hand Productions’ performances.

"I’ve always liked producing and performing in front of a diverse audience instead of a particular demographic. Many production companies seem to get caught up in trying to attract just one particular person, instead of maybe trying to attract other audiences. The fundamental principle for any producer is who cares who is watching just as long as there are people there to watch and that the house is filled. This is one the ideas that separates At Hand Productions from other production companies and producers. We strive to produce quality entertainment that will fill a house," says Hanna who produced Prophecies of War in the Philadelphia theater circuit.

Hanna went on to say that, "At Hand Productions is in the process of expanding its presence in the Philadelphia and North East Corridor. On the agenda for the year will be a expanding TV presence and theater presence. In the works now is the performance of Prophecies of War at the Prince Music theater. It is in the plans now to have Prophecies of War on local television in the next year as well. Recently, At Hand Productions recorded Prophecies of War with John Vanzandt for the televised series "High Wired" and we are looking to capitalize on that TV performance."

Whether At Hand Productions follows the path of the tortoise or the rabbit to its goals of success, one has to sit back and watch to see how At Hand Productions will fair in the next year. At Hand Productions is developing credibility in the music and theater industries through its presence and productions.
Company: At Hand Productions, Inc.
Contact Name: John Thompson
Contact Email: John Thompson
Contact Phone: 267-981-5461

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