Danielle was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at the age of four and has had more than 33,000 shots and finger pricks. She has also endured eight seizures since her diagnosis. Instead of sitting back and complaining, she has taken control of her life. Taking a positive approach to freedom from Type 1 diabetes, she wrote and performed her song, "Someday," On YouTube. Join Danielle as she E-travels the world to raise awareness and funding for a cure for juvenile diabetes. To donate for a cure, visit http://walk.jdrf.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=extranet.personalpage&confirmid=87466766
"Danielle is a natural performer who uses her talents and positive attitude to motivate anyone who has the privilege of spending time with her," said Ken Skida, Vice President of Fundraising for the Triangle/Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. "She has a quest to find a cure and gain freedom from juvenile diabetes."
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, an organ located behind the lower part of the stomach where beta cells are contained with other types of cells within small islands of endocrine cells called the pancreatic islets. Beta cells normally produce insulin, a hormone that helps the body move the glucose contained in food into cells throughout the body. When the beta cells are destroyed and insulin cannot be produced, glucose stays in the blood where it can cause serious damage to several organs in the body. People with Type 1 diabetes must receive insulin daily in the form of multiple injections or a pump, and pricking the finger to test the body’s blood sugar six or more times a day is a constant way of life. Individuals with diabetes must also carefully balance their diet and exercise, as blood sugar levels must be regulated to avoid potentially life-threatening hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic reactions.
Michelle Fowler
MMI Public Relations
(919) 233-6600
13-Year Old Seeking to “E-Travel” The World To Raise Awareness For Juvenile Diabetes
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