Barclays urges home owners to be prepared as the peak of the ‘freak weather’ season approaches

From: Barclays bank
Published: Thu Oct 12 2006

Barclays data shows that last year the three months from September to November had the highest occurrence of weather-related home insurance claims throughout the year, a whopping 65% higher than the previous three months.

With around 5 million people on the UK at risk of flooding, Barclays is urging home owners to regularly check the Environment Agency’s website for flood warnings affecting their local area.

Heavy rain and flooding has historically been one of the most difficult weather phenomena to forecast and Barclays advises people to make sure they are aware of what to do should they be affected. Finding out where your gas, water and electricity mains are to make sure you can turn them off quickly and keeping important personal documents in sealed plastic bags and safe from areas floodwater can reach are some of the steps that should be followed if the worse happens.

Mark Till, Marketing Director, Barclays Insurance, comments: "We have already seen some areas being hit by heavy rain and flooding and unfortunately we have to be prepared for an increase in freak weather incidents over the next few months.

"It is crucial that people check whether they live in a flood prone area and take all the necessary steps to be prepared should they be affected. While you cannot prevent floods from occurring, you can make sure you are covered for the damage caused to building and contents through buildings insurance as part of your home policy."

For more information on Barclays buildings and contents insurance and other products, see Barclays Insurance

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