ABC11 Eyewitness News Anchor Tisha Powell To Emcee Raleigh Chamber Of Commerce Working Mothers’ Lun

From: MMI Public Relations
Published: Thu Feb 25 2010

ABC11 Eyewitness News ( has announced that anchor Tisha Powell will emcee the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Working Mothers’ Luncheon on Wednesday, March 10. The event will be held at the McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education, located on the North Carolina State University campus at 1101 Gorman St., from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Working mothers will have the opportunity to meet and discuss common issues they face while balancing a family and career. Event attendees have the option of participating in one of 15 different discussion groups organized around the different stages of motherhood.

"I look forward to speaking with other working mothers in the Triangle area," Powell said. "I know how hard it can be balancing a family and a career, so I am excited to give what advice I can while also learning from the experiences of the other local moms."

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ABC11 "Moms On The Go" Blog:

- Powell has been an anchor at ABC11 since 2004. She co-anchors Eyewitness News at 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. with Frances Scott and Eyewitness News at 10 p.m. on CW22 with Steve Daniels.

- The luncheon costs $35 per employee of Chamber member firms and $50 per non-member.

- The Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce is a business membership organization representing more than 2,500 businesses around the Triangle.

- For more information about the event, visit

ABC11 Eyewitness News provides 33 hours of local news every week, serving more than 1 million households in a 23-county area in North Carolina and Virginia. Eyewitness News also provides news, weather and sports information 24 hours a day on as well as serving two additional digital channels, ABC11 Eyewitness News Now on Time Warner cable channel 213, and Live Well HD on Time Warner 212. ABC11 WTVD is part of the Disney-ABC Television Group, which is home to all of The Walt Disney Company's worldwide entertainment and news television properties. For more information, go to

Jennifer Fair
MMI Public Relations
(919) 233-6600


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