Wild Horses Honored in Children's Book "No More Night Mares, A Dream of Freedom"

From: Wild Heart Ranch
Published: Tue Jun 14 2005

POINT ROBERTS, WA, June14, 2005 - Wild Heart Ranch, Inc.s’ book release, "No More Night Mares, A Dream of Freedom" honors wild horses in a tale of myth and magic. Wild Heart Ranch, Inc. is a publishing, entertainment and toy company that creates and licenses non-violent toys and products based on original ideas, stories and characters.

Horse people of all ages will love this story about a mythical herd of wild horses destined to light up the night sky. Launching the book comes at a critical point in wild horse history, following a new amendment to the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. The back of the book lists several well known wild horse preservation groups for horse lovers to research and support.

The company hopes to help build further awareness for the plight of wild horses through the "No More Night Mares" line of plush toys and books, as well as through its interactive, website, www.WildHeartRanch.com. The amendment to the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act allows for the sale of wild horses to foreign markets, if the horse is over the age of 10, or if younger, then after they have unsuccessfully been offered for adoption three times. Wild horse advocates are currently lobbying to get the bill reversed. To learn more, please visit some of the recent news at http://www.wildheartranch.com/kidsclub/kc_endangeredAnimalNews.asp#wh

ISBN: 0-9761768-1-5
Written by: Dawn Van Zant
Illustrated by: Kim McElroy
McElroy is known for portraying the emotional, spiritual, and dynamic presence of these magnificent creatures and offers us a timeless glimpse of its soul. More of Kim's artwork can be viewed on her website, www.spiritofhorse.com

Book Reviews: http://www.wildheartranch.com/toysBooks/tb_reviews.htm

Book Excerpt: "Night Mares look down upon us and watch over us. It's their dream that there will always be wild horses living on the land below as a reminder of freedom. We can chase them from the lands, but we can't reach them in the stars. So, if you awaken to a storm with lightning and thunder on a dark night, it may just be the Night Mares, streaking across the sky...."

"We don't have to be afraid of the dark...
Night Mares prance brilliantly against a background of black sky and glowing stars to light our way to a time long forgotten. Gaze up into their bright lights and they will guide you through the darkest of nights. And if you believe in them, they will fill you with a magical power.

Listen to the call of the wild herd and remember..."

To view photos of Wild Heart Ranch's 2005 product lines, please visit http://www.wildheartranch.com/toysBooks/newsrelease.htm

Additional Wild Heart Ranch Books:

About Wild Heart Ranch: Follow Us to the Depths of Imagination...
Wild Heart Ranch, Inc. is a publishing, entertainment and toy company that creates and licenses non-violent toys and products based on original ideas, stories and characters. The unique combined elements of light, magic and branded stars and moons on the plush toys identify us in the marketplace.

The 'Lucky Stars Collection', 'No More Night Mares', 'Armadillo Cowboy Club', 'I Sea Horses', 'Desert of Lop', & 'Favorite Pet Stories' brands, characters, logos, stories, web sites, video games, patents and trademarks, are all properties of Wild Heart Ranch, Inc.

WHR is a member of: Toy Industry Association, ASTRA, Women in Toys
The I Sea Horses product line won the "Seal of Excellence 2004" from Creative Child Magazine as well as "Dr. Toy's 100 Best Children's Products of 2004".
Visit: www.WildHeartRanch.com, www.ISeaHorses.com, www.CollectiblePlush.com, www.PlushCollectible.com, www.FavoritePetStories.com, www.HorseToys.com

For more information contact

Toll Free: 1.888.889.9213

Kim Baker kim@wildheartranch.com
Dawn Van Zant dawn@wildheartranch.com

Company: Wild Heart Ranch
Contact Name: Dawn Van Zant
Contact Email: dawn@wildheartranch.com
Contact Phone: 888-889-9213

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