Detective Choice Launches New Service

From: Detective Choice
Published: Tue Jun 14 2005

June 13, 2005 - Detective Choice ( announced the launch of its online detective service today, offering Internet access to people searches, public records, and background check tools for both professional and amateur investigators alike.

Members can use Detective Choice to access some of the premiere services to see what can be found out about them, find someone else, investigate a person or conduct a background check. The software allows you to dig up interesting information on virtually anyone or anything. Members also receive several free investigation tools, as well access to related reading materials.

"The products we offer have been serving the private investigator and law enforcement industries well for many years, and are easy enough to be used by private citizens who wish to conduct their own investigations, without having to consult a professional detective agency for help." said a company spokesperson.

The site also includes articles about free people searches, free background checks and free public records. For more information about the Detective Choice service and to download their free guide: "How to Conduct a People Search", visit Detective Choice at:
Company: Detective Choice
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Contact Phone: 602-953-5294

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