Blueboomerang is a free fully searchable site provides contact details for over 40,000 companies with email and web addresses where available. The online business to business directory offers fully comprehensive company contact information through a variety of advertising avenues. Across 15 industry sectors and in excess of 70,000 listings users can search by company name, product or service and location and be guided to industry-specific information.
From advertising agencies to recruitment consultants, and with companies from the creative and technical sectors offers a comprehensive guide to the advertising, creative and media industries; brought to you by Brand Republic, the home of Campaign and Marketing online. Brand Republic offers expertise in advertising, marketing and new media through statistics, email bulletins and contact information and offers the latest news instantly. also has up-to-date information for the Promotions sector. Created by the publishers of Promotions and Incentives, with a registered circulation of 15,000 promotional marketers every month it is a market leader for the sales promotion industry. With over 300 different classifications; from promotional pens to wallets and the advanced search of agent or manufacturer, offers an umbrella of essential business contacts in the promotions industry.
From the publishers of PR Week and PR Week Black Book, hosts over 8,000 PR companies. PR Week is published weekly in the UK and the US and is a market leader in the PR and communications industries. It is the leading source for news, analysis and opinion on all aspects of PR. From Public Affairs to PR Consultancies the website is a one stop place for key business connections in the PR industry.
Haymarket Publishing recognises the increasing importance of the internet. Through: buttons, banners, enhanced listings and the excellent functionalities of turn-the-page e-brochure technology and lead generation. Companies who have an enhanced listing can also include a company description, and have images displayed when their listing appears. The description and images offer an instant insight into the business and what it can offer the user.
Blueboomerang’s intuitive search facilities also allow users to be more specific in their search. In the hotels section users can determine where they would like to stay, or hold their meetings and events through several additional information fields including: star rating, number of guest rooms and number of meeting rooms. The additional search availability is both comprehensive and beneficial in retrieving an accurate search result.
Extensive research was conducted for the new online business directory to ensure the site hosts the most up to date company information and covers the whole of the marcoms industry. The site is soon to include even more business contacts. From regeneration, renewal and planning consultants, to charities, medical and horticultural contacts.
Companies can submit feedback, view FAQ’S and request to be added to through the list my company facility.The companies who advertise with are able to reach the key decision makers instantly.
About Blueboomerang: is investing in search engine optimisation and marketing campaigns to give a high ranking in natural search engine results on sites including Google, Yahoo and MSN. Our aim is that will become an essential source in the search for the most up-to-date business to business contacts.
Contact Details:
Paul Mann- Associate Publisher, Haymarket Directories
+44 208 267 4165
22 Bute Gardens
W6 7HN - the new online business services directory
Company: Blueboomerang
Contact Name: PR-Sending
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 0845 130 0022
Contact Name: PR-Sending
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 0845 130 0022