With partnering and collaboration being key themes in British politics these days, the House of Lords proved an excellent venue to mark the 20th anniversary of Partnership Sourcing Ltd (PSL).
This annual business partnering event attracted over 180 executives from business, Government and academia. PSL was established by the former Government minister, Lord Keith Joseph, as a joint DTI (now BIS)/ CBI initiative, to encourage the adoption of partnering principles across UK business and beyond.
PSL is collaborating with BSI to spearhead the widespread adoption of PAS 11000, the world’s first collaborative business relationship standard which provides a multi-stage approach to help organisations work together effectively. The framework enables an organisation of any size and sector to apply partnering good practice to ensure a consistent approach and establish processes to ensure that collaborative business relationships add value and deliver benefits.
Earlier this year, five companies - EMCOR Group (UK), Lockheed Martin UK, NATS, Raytheon Systems Limited and VT Group - received PAS 11000 certification and some 22 organisations are currently in the process of considering PAS 11000 certification.
At the House of Lords event, Lord Evans of Watford, Chairman of PSL, commented: "Having congratulated the first five companies to achieve PAS 11000 certification, we are now challenging other organisations to achieve this valuable and beneficial standard too."
Chris Cundy, Director of Corporate Development at VT Group observed: "In tough economic times, cost cutting provides real opportunities for collaboration. Partnering is one of our corporate core values and so we welcome PAS 11000 because it provides a formalised process for organisations to work together effectively"
Congratulating PSL on its 20th anniversary, Howard Kerr, CEO of BSI Group, said: "We’ve been working with PSL since 2006/07 and we’re delighted to be building on that relationship.
"People tend to think of standards in technical terms but, increasingly, standards are being developed and applied to business practice – such as PAS 11000. PAS 11000 will become a fully fledged British Standard - as BS 11000 later this year – leading to an international standard, yet another example of Britain leading the way," he added.
The publication of a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) is a step towards the establishment of the full British Standard. The corporate certification programme, launched in 2009, establishes a measurable independent assessment by BSI that creates an internal benchmark for continuous improvement and people development, together with validated, pan-industry recognition of an organisation’s collaborative profile.
"These are exciting times," agreed David Smith, Director of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS). "We are looking forward to briefing and working with our new ministerial team and continuing to help promote PAS 11000."
Reviewing the past year and looking ahead, Les Pyle, PSL’s CEO, said: "PSL now has 63 executive member companies, compared with 59 a year ago.
"We have held a number of partnering events in 2009/10, focusing on innovation, defence, aerospace and sport. Partnering events scheduled for 2010/11 include education, Government and energy, among others.
"Moreover, while PSL is involved in a number of overseas projects, its main focus is developing the business relationship with BSI helping more organisations to work towards achieving PAS 11000 certification. Our current focus is with three executive member organisations who have indicated their intention to aspire to the PAS 11000 standard: SELEX Systems Integration Ltd, SCC and Proband / Mercato.
"BSI has established a working party to manage the transition from PAS 11000 to full ‘BS 11000’ with a draft for public consultation expected in June 2010," he added.
About PSL
PSL was established in 1990 as a joint initiative between the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (formerly DTI)) and the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). PSL is a self-financing not-for-profit organisation. Its role is to help organisations, large and small, in both the public and private sectors, to build and develop effective competitive business relationships based upon a collaborative approach.
PSL provides practical guidance based on a wide portfolio of experience utilising knowledge from extensive relationships within the commercial, Government and academic arenas.
PSL’s unique CRAFT methodology provides a framework for business relationship management developed from the collective experience of the PSL knowledge network. This programme was adopted by the British Standards Institution (BSI) as the foundation of the Collaborative Business Relationship Framework – PAS 11000, published in November 2006 - the world’s first Standard in relationship management.
About BSI
BSI is the National Standards Body of the UK, with a globally recognised reputation for the production of standards that promote best practice. BSI provides independent third-party certification of management systems and testing services delivering product and service certification and marking.
Further information from:
Les Pyle, PSL, 0207 824 1807; les.pyle@PSLCBI.com
David Hawkins, PSL, 0207 824 1807; david.hawkins@PSLCBI.com
Bob Little, Bob Little Press & PR, 01727 860405; bob.little@boblittlepr.com
Celebrations and challenges for PSL’s 20th anniversary
Company: PSL
Contact Name: Bob Little
Contact Email: bob.little@dial.pipex.com
Contact Phone: +44 (0)1727 860405
Contact Name: Bob Little
Contact Email: bob.little@dial.pipex.com
Contact Phone: +44 (0)1727 860405