“Simplify the Holidays: Making Plans that Work for You and Your Family”

From: South Shore Elder Services
Published: Wed Nov 29 2006

On December 7th from 10:30 a.m. to noon, South Shore Elder Services’ Family Caregiver Support Program will hold a FREE seminar to help family caregivers better cope and make plans for the holidays. It will be held at South Shore Elder Services main office located at 159 Bay State Drive in Braintree. Light refreshments will be served.

The "Simplify the Holidays: Making Plans that Work for You and Your Family" is a discussion for caregivers on reducing holiday stress, revisiting family traditions and creating meaningful experiences for caregivers and family members. The program will be facilitated by South Shore Elder Services’ Family Caregiver Support Program staff.

Every caregiver who attends will receive a small gift of appreciation in recognition for all they do on behalf of their loved one. Light refreshments will be served.

Registration for the seminar is required. To register, contact the Family Caregiver Support Program at South Shore Elder Services at (781) 848-3910 extension 335.

The "Simplify the Holidays" program is funded through a Title IIE grant of the Older Americans Act through South Shore Elder Services. This educational offering is free. Donations are greatly appreciated and may be sent to the Family Caregiver Support Program at South Shore Elder Services, Inc., 159 Bay State Drive, Braintree, Mass. 02184.

"Your Age Info Specialist"
Since 1977, South Shore Elder Services, Inc. has been providing South Shore seniors and caregivers with the resources and services that promote and maintain optimal levels of elder independence.

As one of 27 Aging Services Access Points in Massachusetts, South Shore Elder Services coordinates and provide a wide range of services to elders and caregivers throughout Braintree, Cohasset, Hingham, Holbrook, Hull, Milton, Norwell, Quincy, Randolph, Scituate and Weymouth. The agency’s mission is to promote and maintain an optimal level of elder independence through the coordination of resources, advocacy and caregiver support.

Supported in part by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs, South Shore Elder Services is located at 159 Bay State Drive in Braintree, MA. For more information contact (781) 848-3910 or visit their website at www.sselder.org.

Company: South Shore Elder Services
Contact Name: Diane Sargent
Contact Email: dsargent@sselder.org
Contact Phone: 781-848-3910

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