Barclays Stockbrokers today announces the launch of two new Investment Notes giving clients efficient access and exposure to the Alternative Energy sector and Global Infrastructure companies. The launch of the new Alternative Energy Investment Note enables investors to take instant advantage of the increasing popularity of the alternative energy sector. The Note is linked to the performance of a basket comprising shares in companies within the growing alternative energy sector such as Gamesa, Scottish & Southern Energy and FPL Group.
The Global Infrastructure Investment Note offers investors geared upside exposure to the major companies in the FTSE-Macquarie index, providing a way of leveraging exposure to the growth opportunity offered in this asset class, in addition to capturing its diversification benefits. The FTSE-Macquarie Infrastructure Index has doubled over the past five years, whereas the FTSE in this time has risen by 20%. Both Notes are eligible to be held in a Barclays Stockbrokers Self-select ISA account.
The launch of the two Notes forms part of Barclays Stockbrokers’ ongoing strategy of giving UK domiciled investors access to major global markets easily and efficiently while enabling them to benefit from the capital protection of Investment Notes. Both new Notes will be listed on the London Stock Exchange and are fully capital protected if held until maturity.
Amy Nauiokas, MD and Head of Barclays Stockbrokers commented: "Investment Notes have proved to be popular investments with clients looking for efficient access to niche markets with the added transparency of listed equities and the upside gearing and capital protection of traditional structured products."
She went on to state, "Our new Alternative Energy Note offers investors the opportunity to invest in a wide range of technologies and companies that will each play a part in meeting our future energy needs. Governments around the world and corporates are embracing a ‘low carbon’ future so this could be an ideal time to invest in these stocks."
Amy Nauiokas further believes, "The Global Infrastructure Note offers investors a number of key attractions including longevity, stability and investment-led growth. Infrastructure has quickly developed into an asset class in its own right and substantial long term capital expenditure is forecast across infrastructure markets, notably in electricity, gas, water and transportation networks. A further key attraction of this type of investment is that corporate activity is expected to remain a dominant theme as infrastructure firms continue to consolidate, and increase their scale and global reach."
This week marks the first week of the offer period for the two new Notes, during which investors will have access to the product at a fixed price exclusively through Barclays Stockbrokers. When the Notes commence trading on the London Stock Exchange on 22 February, investors will be able to benefit from additional liquidity and flexibility similar to equities. At this point, there will be eight Investment Notes available to trade in the secondary market on the London Stock Exchange. The other Notes include:
- FTSE 100 Capital Protected Investment Note
- Global Accelerator Investment Note
- Nikkei 225 Supertracker Investment Note
- Energy-Linked Capital Protected Investment Note
- China Supertracker Investment Note
- EURO STOXX 50 Capital Protected Investment Note
Notes to Editors
What is the Alternative Energy Investment Note?
The Alternative Energy Note is a five year growth investment linked to the performance of a basket (the "Basket") comprising shares in companies in the alternative energy sector and is designed to produce 100% of any rise in the Basket. It has 100% capital protection if held for the full five year term. Capital protection only applies at maturity and if the note is sold early, the investor may get back less that the amount they invested.
What is the Global Infrastructure Investment Note?
The Global Infrastructure Note is a five year growth investment linked to the performance of a Basket comprising shares of twenty global infrastructure companies. It is designed to produce 140% of any rise in the Basket and it has 100% capital protection if held for the full five year term. If it is sold early, the investor may get back less than the amount they invested.
Barclays Stockbrokers is part of Barclays Wealth.
About Barclays Wealth
Barclays Wealth was recently named as the UK’s leading Wealth Manager for the second year running by PAM (Private Asset Managers) with £84bn assets under management (H1 2006). It is made up of a number of businesses that provide customers with a comprehensive range of solutions covering private banking, investment, life and pensions to meet their financial planning needs, in the UK and overseas.
For further information contact:
Caroline Wells
Public Relations
Barclays Wealth
1 Churchill Place
E14 5HP
020 7114 7435
Barclays Stockbrokers goes green with launch of new alternative energy investment note
Company: Barclays Stockbrokers
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Contact Name: Caroline Wells
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Contact Phone: 020 7114 7435