From: Emerald Group Publishing
Published: Fri Aug 05 2005

For the next 12 years Maurice worked as a consultant specializing in the management of change, and advising organizations in many parts of the world. He carried out over 50 consultancies in 16 different countries and visited more than 40 countries in a professional context. He served as Professor Associate at Sheffield University’s Department of Information Science, and as External Professor at Loughborough University’s Department of Information and Library Studies. In addition to this, Maurice was a prolific writer and speaker affectionately known for his humor and unpredictable nature.

"As a stimulus to clear thinking about professional and other issues I have never met his peer," according to Chris Hunt, Emeritus Librarian at the University of Manchester, UK. "In argument he may not always convince one that he is right, but he always strikes sparks and makes one attempt to justify a contrary view by using the logical and quantitative criteria which he himself deploys so skillfully…. Maurice Line is almost certainly the most widely known librarian of his generation; his writings, teaching and lectures continue to be influential throughout the world."

In addition to the many serious papers Line authored, he is credited with colorful titles such as "On the Care and Construction of White Elephants: Some Fundamental Questions Concerning the Catalogue" and "How Golden is Your Retriever? Thoughts on Library Classification." His column Management Musings was often the spark of controversial debate in the journal Library Management.
The August issue (volume 33, number 2) of the Emerald journal Interlending & Document Supply is available for free download during the month of August at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0264-1615.htm Readers are invited to reflect upon and enjoy essays including "The British Library: its Origins, Development and Future", "The Other Side of Line", and "Maurice's Management Maxims".
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Gill Crawford, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Tel: 01274 777700, email: gcrawford@emeraldinsight.com or

Catherine Dhanjal, TheAnswer Ltd, Tel: 0208 655 0953/0794 166 9925, Catherine.dhanjal@theansweruk.com

(Advertising/colour separation queries to Gill Crawford)

Ref: TA-269

Company: Emerald Group Publishing
Contact Name: Gill Crawford
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