Press release
Release details: Immediate
Date: 19 August 2005
Beware dodgy practices from disreputable claims firms
In recent weeks The Claims Standards Council, the body in charge of regulating the claims market, has forced some unethical claims firms and their procedures into the limelight. It appears that some firms have applied unreasonable pressure on people involved in accidents that could result in a personal injury claim. So called ambulance chasers have gone a step too far by purchasing old ambulances and plastering their logos on the side in order to attract people fresh from an accident. This sort of immoral practise does nothing help diminish the false idea that there is a burgeoning compensation culture in the UK.
Another shocking trend is that some lawyers may be accepting claims that have been acquired through cold calling and advertising in hospitals. Solicitors, who are members of the Law Society, are not permitted to accept claims that have been generated in this way.
Understandably the public is concerned about this kind of activity as they feel that they are at risk of being apprehended when they are leaving hospital or at the scene of an accident. The whole of the claim industry is at risk of being viewed in a dim light because of a few ruthless companies capitalising on people’s misfortune. There are reputable claims firms who work hard to get people the personal injury compensation that they are entitled to. They use ethical means to attract customers and never pressurise customers into making a claim.
Rebecca Williams from YouClaim,, gives the following advice to anyone planning to make a claim following an accident.
"If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault then you are entitled to make a personal injury claim without the worry of being pressured into something you are unsure of. You are free to appoint your own solicitor and should ask the following questions before entering into any agreement:
1. Will it cost me anything to make a claim?
2. Are you experienced in my type of claim and are you a member of the Law Society’s personal injury panel?
3. Will I keep all of my compensation if I win my claim?"
Editorial notes: provides personal injury compensation following a non fault accident. They work on a no win no fee basis ensuring that customers get 100% compensation. Call 0800 10 757 95 for more information about making a claim.
For more information contact Sophie Evans on 0800 10 757 95,
Beware dodgy practices from disreputable claims firms
Company: YouClaim
Contact Name: Sophie Evans
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 0800 10 757 95
Contact Name: Sophie Evans
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 0800 10 757 95