Virtual Tales Offers Per-Title Pricing for Web Serials

From: Virtual Tales
Published: Thu May 31 2007

Virtual Tales, a publisher of eBooks and eSerials spanning a variety of fiction genres and styles, announced that effective June 1, 2007, it will change the pricing model for its popular serialized novels. Prior to this date, all serials were sold for a per-issue price of 39¢, but now will be offered for a single price per title.

"As each of our serialized novels is completed, we are turning them into eBooks, and we wanted to keep our pricing competitive for both product types," said Dave Law, Chairman of Virtual tales. "Each of our web serials will be priced based on the word count. In the case of works in progress, the price will be based on the estimated total issues as provided by the author. It is also the same price someone would pay for the eBook, if an eBook version was available."

Customers will still enjoy the convenience of having each web serial issue sent to their e-mail box twice a week according to the regular schedule, which remains unchanged and is based on the story genre. All web serial subscriptions will start with the first issue of the story ordered, and will continue on in consecutive order until completed.

"For our customers, the best part of our new, single-pricing system is that once they purchase a subscription to a serial, they will automatically receive ALL the issues for that story until it is complete," added Sheri Gormley, Director of Marketing & Promotions at Virtual Tales. "Even if the author takes a break mid-stream, as soon as new issues are posted, our customer's subscriptions will automatically pick up where they left off until the serialized novel is finished. There is no need to renew a subscription anymore—the whole process has been completely automated for the customer."

Virtual Tales is a privately held partnership founded in 2005 to publish original eBooks and eSerials in both general and genre fiction. eBooks are offered in a variety of formats, including MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader and PDA-formatted Adobe Reader files. eSerials are delivered through email twice a week as Adobe Reader files suitable for reading on a PC, Mac, PDA, e-reader, cell phone or other device. All eSerials are available for a free trial subscription, so readers everywhere are encouraged to visit the website and sample the offerings at no cost or obligation.
Company: Virtual Tales
Contact Name: Sheri Gormley
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 360-901-9725

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