Agencies are failing to contextualise their online advertising

From: UTarget
Published: Wed Mar 09 2005, the volume precision marketing agency that recently purchased Adshape for their contextual ad-software business, believes that online planners are failing to capitalise on the enormous potential of the contextual ad medium.

Contextual advertising works from software users download to their PC. Users are encouraged to download the software by a combination of moneyoff coupons and user-only special offers.

By using keywords contextual advertising recognises user’s immediate interests while they surf and search online, delivering contextually relevant offers from advertising clients.

There are currently over a million plus users in the UK, with take up growing on average 20,000 a month. But despite the obvious success of the medium, contextual advertising fails to register with many agencies.

"The Holy Grail for many online campaigns is to target young, intelligent and affluent consumers," comments UTarget Sales Director Francis Turner. "The majority of subscribers to contextual advertising software fall into this group."

"Subscribers have actively downloaded the software to benefit from online offers, content or products. The benefits to advertisers are that offers are displayed to users based on urls and keywords."

Contextual campaigns run to audiences actively seeking certain keywords or url’s so conversion rates for campaigns are excellent.

Concludes Mr. Turner; "The majority of contextual campaigns have click-through rates of 15% with conversion rates of 7%, which, when compared to other forms of online advertising such as banners, Subliminals or even pop-ups, offers an extremely good Return on Investment (ROI)."

As search engines remain the most popular way people navigate the web, UTarget believe demand for contextual campaigns will continue to grow and grow.

UTarget Sales Director Francis Turner is available for interview. Contact Dale Lovell on 01753 850606 to arrange an interview.


UTarget offers a range of Contextual products from three of the world’s largest ad networks - WhenU, eXact and 180 Solutions.

UTarget offers value for money in terms of Cost Per Click (CPC) compared with other competitors as this example for the keyword ‘Loan’ proves:

Mirago – 64p
E-spotting - £4.07
Overture - £8.84
UTContextual – 47p

Current UTarget Contextual advertisers include: DatingDirect, Tiscali, Barclays, NUD, Holiday Extra, FirstPlus, Moneynet, Bupa, and Yes Car Credit.

For More Information Visit: Digital photographs and logos are available upon request.
Company: UTarget
Contact Name: dale lovell
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Contact Phone: 01753 850606

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