Book Of THoTH Exclusive – UFO & Paranormal Music while you surf!

From: The Book Of THoTH
Published: Sat Sep 17 2005

The Book of THoTH proudly presents the most stimulating and insightful musical gift, received from Negativland, as heard on the Over the Edge radio show. This underground band is quickly rising in popularity, as they have sold thousands of their unique, tantalizing, and thought provoking, and hugely entertaining records and CD’s.

What began as a band called Negativland, selling their albums with handmade covers in the early 1980’s, the band has now become an internet phenomenon. Negativland progressed and now hosts, Over the Edge, which airs for three hours, starting at midnight Pacific Time on Thursday nights, with the exception of the first Thursday of each month. On those rare occasions when there are five Thursdays in a month, Over the Edge treats its listeners with an extended five hour show.

Over the Edge has provided the Book of THoTH with several of its most precious recordings. Members can now browse its huge vast vault of knowledge, while listening to these most discerning audio recordings, making their experience at the website even more enlightening and engaging than before.

This is possible with a fantastic music player, located on the front page of the site, which has been made available to all visitors. The idea being to bring the best in music as well as promoting artists who musically represent the themes of the site, as well as giving more publicity to members of the site who create their own music, check out the extremely talented music of PhantomQueen and Spectra. You can try out the player here

THoTH maintains one of the largest sites on the net dedicated to exploring the unseen, the unknown, and the unexplained. With over fifteen-hundred members, and close to ten-thousand hits per day, it’s the best place on the net to research everything from ancient texts, to breaking news stories.

Although the Book of THoTH specializes in the paranormal and UFO research, the site also covers everyday news, politics, archeology, general history, religion, metaphysics, astronomy, and much more.

The Book of THoTH is a great place to learn and investigate almost any subject, and also let loose and socialize with friends. Check it out today for one of the best online experiences you will ever have.

To hear more of Over The Edge great selection visit:
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