Reston, VA. -- BRIDGEWERX, the emerging standard in application integration for the small and medium-sized business (SMB) market, announced the availability of the first integration solution specifically built for the emerging service provider marketplace, the BRIDGWERX Integration Appliance.
The solution contains the following important features:
• Pre-built connectors for major service providers, including custom connector toolkits.
• Pre configured integration scenarios for service providers, including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. The scenarios focus on service provider to enterprise connectivity.
• Self updating and healing.
• Common application integration and SOA features.
• Directory services and Governance
• Semantic and schema management
• Composite application and management
• Complete transformation and routing.
• Transaction and state management.
• On-site and remote support included.
• Hooks for existing management systems.
• Hooks for existing security systems.
• Proven integration with other integration products such as message queuing software, B2B, and common integration servers.
As the use of service providers and on-demand applications, such as and NetSuite, continues to get traction and enterprises learn to leverage processes and data repositories that exist outside of their firewalls, so has the need to join these service providers with existing legacy and core systems. Typically these integration problem domains are relatively simplistic, however the man hours and high-level and high-priced technology required to solve this problem can be cost prohibitive for many organizations, and thus slow the adoption of service providers which are cost effective for many small businesses.
"The core problem to solve is the synergy of information between service providers and existing core and legacy systems," said David Linthicum, CEO of BRIDGEWERX. "For instance, insuring that customer information on the service provider is managed and replicated to all systems that deal with customers, accounting for the different structures and application semantics along the way. Thus customer information that originates on the service provider(s) is replicated back to existing core and legacy systems that deal with customers."
Moreover, the BRIDGEWERX Integration Appliance also provides a complete service oriented architecture (SOA) stack, including service management, governance, semantic management, orchestration, and application mediation. "We call it a SOA-in-a-box," adds Linthicum.
Those who leveraged service providers in the past were mostly within small to midsized organizations that simply could not afford what it cost to purchase and install large Enterprise Applications such as SAP or Seibel. Instead, they found it much more convenient and cost effective to purchase seats from service providers, such as and NetSuite, and other niche or vertical application service providers.
"Needed is an inexpensive and easy-to-implement device that exists to join existing enterprise systems with service providers, providing application information routing, managing information movement between these very different systems making them appear as a single grouping of information to the ultimate user," said BRIDGEWERX Executive Chairman Bob Tretiak. "Our device is an Integration Appliance, with the sole purpose of managing information movement between the service provider(s) and existing enterprise systems."
The BRIDGEWERX Integration Appliance represents the first commercially available, turnkey integration solution packaged built for the service provider marketplace and priced to suit the needs of a Small to Medium-Sized Business (SMB), designed specially for the routing of information to and from service provider and existing enterprise systems. The product is rack mounted, and functions like any other networking device, and can be managed within your existing infrastructure management environment.
Pricing for this product begins at only $50,000 for the complete appliance, with some services bundled in. BRIDGEWERX guarantees success with this product, thus there is no risk to the customer. Moreover, the BRIDGWERX Integration Appliance solution will work and play well with other integration solutions including WebMethods, IBM, and Tibco.
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Jenny Swift
Tel: 917 210 8064
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BRIDGEWERX Releases First Integration Solution Specifically Built for Service Providers and On-Deman