ASK-IT (Ambient Intelligence System of Agents for Knowledge-based and Integrated Services for Mobility Impaired users) Integrated Project (IST-2003-511298) aims to establish Ambient Intelligence (Ami) in semantic web enabled services, to support and promote the mobility of the Mobility Impaired (MI) people, enabling the provision of personalised, self-configurable, intuitive and context-related applications and services and facilitating knowledge and content organisation and processing. ASK-IT will during a 4 years period develop an environment that will advance mobile devices as personal guides in leisure, sport, education, work, socialisation and tourism and will allow effortless movement of the Elderly and Disabled people across Europe. Emphasis is on seamless service provision, independent of the media, user location (i.e. indoors, outdoors, in a city, during a trip, etc.), user type and residual abilities. The ASK-IT consortium constitutes a balanced mixture of 42 participating partners from 13 European countries with various research background: widely known industrial partners and mobile terminal providers (e.g. SIEMENS, NOKIA, Microsoft, ALCATEL, Vodafone, etc.), research Institutes (e.g. CERTH/ITI), universities, software companies, telecommunications companies and elderly and disabled organisations.
The agenda for the ASK-IT Pan-European Workshop (Stuttgart, 12th-13th Oct 2005) and the ASK-IT Stakeholders Users’ Forum Agenda (Stuttgart, 14th Oct 2005) can be found online on
A pan-European Workshop on infomobility services for people with special needs is scheduled for 13th October 2005 at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. The objective is to widely disseminate ASK-IT concepts and diffuse preliminary findings. It will be an occasion to obtain feedback from the experts’ and users’ community, before the main development phase.
The 1st User Forum meeting will be held on 14th October 2005 at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. ASK-IT considers as very important to involve the stakeholders’ community in the design, testing and implementation of the ASK-IT services. Its User Forum is specifically for stakeholders (content and service providers, Elderly and Disabled user representatives, local authorities, infrastructure and technology providers and telecom operators, etc). The ASK-IT User Forum aims to bring together all stakeholders in the area of the infomobility services and to create a community where ASK-IT concepts and developments will be discussed, reviewed and updated.
Relevant stakeholders will be invited to attend User Forum meetings in order to review and comment on the ASK-IT services and approach. The User Forum will be constantly expanding towards interested third parties and it will serve as a dynamic pool of resources for the project. As the Forum will bring together all the key actors, starting from the local site communities and moving to a Pan-European scale, it will thus diffuse the ASK-IT concept and create consensus and third party involvement, which is a prerequisite for the project’ success and viability.
ASK-IT Pan-European Workshop & Stakeholders Users’ Forum - Stuttgart, 12th-14th October 2005
Company: e-ISOTIS
Contact Name: Mrs Zoe Apostolopoulou
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +30 2102693760
Contact Name: Mrs Zoe Apostolopoulou
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +30 2102693760