Result of Report: Accidents Increased at Intersections with Red Light Cameras

Published: Thu Oct 06 2005

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- There is no safety benefit from red light cameras at intersections, according to a report in the Washington Post, and innocent drivers continue to receive tickets.

Red light cameras have been used in the nation's capital for six years. In that time over 500,000 citations have been issued through the mail, generating over $32 million in revenue from fines.

In that same period of time accidents at the 45 intersections where the enforcement cameras are mounted went up from 365 per year to 755 per year – more than double. Injury and fatal crashes went up 81 percent, and broadside collisions jumped 30 percent during that same time period. The results were published in the Washington Post.

The cameras were installed based on the promise of elected officials that safety improvement was their goal and expectation. Emphatic declarations were made that pursuit of revenue was not a motivating factor.

Other published reports show that red light and speed cameras make frequent errors, sending tickets to innocent motorists. There are frequent reports that drivers are getting tickets for making a right turn on red, or that the yellow light was so short that drivers could not stop in time.

Other news stories have reported instances in which tickets were sent to the wrong person because the license plate number could not be read in the photograph.

The technology involved is not perfect, yet fighting a ticket is nearly impossible. Motorists are required to give up a day of work, pay a lawyer, and suffer unnecessary stress if they want to appeal a ticket. It is easier and less expensive to just pay the ticket rather than fight it.

Drivers have lost confidence in the faulty technology and are turning to a simple method of self-defense – PhotoBlocker (tm) spray.

PhotoBlocker (tm) is an aerosol spray that when applied to a license plate does not in any way alter the appearance of the plate to the naked eye, but the flash picture from a red-light camera or speed camera makes the number on the plate unreadable.

"The cost in time and money to defend yourself against a faulty red light or speed camera ticket is excessive, so drivers would rather use our spray to save money by preventing the unjust tickets. We want our roads to be safe, and we do not encourage anyone to break the law. But we know how frustrating it is to get a ticket you do not deserve," explained Joe Scott of

The demand for cans of PhotoBlocker (tm) spray grows steadily every month, with sales of over 350,000 cans protecting over 1.5 million vehicles on six continents.

"We get calls, e-mails and letters from many professionals who are very happy with the effectiveness of PhotoBlocker spray. Journalists, doctors, lawyers, firefighters, teachers, and judges themselves have resorted to using PhotoBlocker spray to avoid entrapment," said Scott.

The company is located in Harrisburg, Pa. and has a web site at with full details about the product and information for dealers and affiliates.

Joe Scott

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