ISE-CCM Homeland Security Index Trades in line with Benchmarks for the month of September

From: GroupWeb EmailWire.Com
Published: Mon Oct 10 2005

New York, NY -- The ISE-CCM Homeland Security Index (ISE: HSX) was up 0.61% for the month of September, versus 0.69% for the S&P 500, 0 .83% for the DJIA, and -0.02% for the Nasdaq. HSX was co-developed by the International Securities Exchange (ISE) in New York and Cronus Capital Markets. HSX comprises 30 of the leading Homeland Security companies such as; L-3 Communications (NYSE: LLL), McAfee (NYSE: MFE), Thermo Electron (NYSE: TMO), and Taser Int’l (NASDAQ: TASR). HSX is currently trading options in the ISE.

Cronus Capital Markets CEO Michael Soni remarked that "monthly index reports are an important feature of CCM’s Index Support Program, especially for an index like HSX which covers an important aspect of the capital markets and receives significant investor interest."

CCM Index Reports, available at no cost to investors and the media, include index descriptions, objectives, volatility analysis, performance returns, product specifications, component breakdowns and key statistics, and component profiles with news links. The HSX report will be available through the Investrend distribution network at and on

Cronus Capital Markets (CCM), with offices in Toronto and New York, is a leading provider of sector research, intelligence and media to the investment and business communities.(

CCM SectorInvest (, the media arm of Cronus Capital Markets, is an online knowledge center for the investment and business communities engaged in the following sectors; Homeland Security, Biometrics, RFID, Nanotechnology, Alternative Energy, Oil & Gas, and Metals.

CCM is a Strategic Alliance partner with Investrend Communications, Inc. (, whose Investrend Research( division produces the Homeland Security Sector research reports.

Cronus Capital Markets (CCM)
Dianne Rudderham
Tel: 416-368-3700

This press release was issued through GroupWeb EmailWire.Com.
Company: GroupWeb EmailWire.Com

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