Polydor adds Screen Buddies to a list of Faders online marketing tools.

From: Lawton eMarketing/Polydor Records
Published: Mon Mar 14 2005

Alongside the release of The Faders’ debut single ‘No Sleep Tonight’ on 21st March, Polydor together with Lawton eMarketing have created interactive Screen Buddies to transport the ‘girls who rock’ attitude direct to fans’ computer screens.

The Faders Screen Buddies are a dynamic desktop communicator, using high quality footage of Molly, Toy and Cherisse, who make up the guitar wielding trio. Fans will be able to interact with each band member on demand by right clicking on them and choosing from a list of actions unique to their personalities, whether that be playing guitar, blowing a kiss or playing the drums. The Screen Buddies also interact with Windows and will notify the user when they receive email. The Faders Screen Buddies were created using the sophisticated digital production technology Admonkey.

Mark Cox, Head of Entertainment at Lawton says: "The Faders Screen Buddies are the most innovative thing we have done for the music industry and are significantly different to anything else on the market such as Skinkers, that are mainly one dimensional and static."

Mark Krendel, New Media Manager at Polydor Records added: "The wider adoption of Broadband not only allows us to develop revenue streams but allows fans to experience our bands in new and highly interactive ways."

Screen Buddies are just one of the tools being used by the online team. An exclusive five track live gig was held for competition winners and filmed exclusively for streaming on the website. The gig was designed to reward all the loyal Faders fans on the net and to showcase the band’s live ability.

Using Trailermail technology, Lawton eMarketing also designed a bespoke Faders video email that was fired out to the first few thousand fans that had registered on the site. It delivered 30 seconds of the video direct to their inbox before the video had been serviced to TV. By forwarding the message on to three friends, fans were rewarded with access to the full-length video online.

Design agency Holler were responsible for creating the website for the band, which received 40,000 page impressions in its first week with the message boards already bombarded with in excess of 4,000 posts. The site includes up-to-date news, diary info plus the ability to purchase mobile content and pre-order the single.

Visit www.thefaders.com to Download the Screen Buddies

To see more of Lawton eMarketing’s work visit www.entertainmentemarketing.co.uk
Company: Lawton eMarketing/Polydor Records
Contact Name: Carl Moggridge
Contact Email: carl.moggridge@lawton.co.uk
Contact Phone: 023 8082 8596

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