Alan Boswell Group launches business insurance deal for Les Routiers members

From: Alan Boswell Group
Published: Tue Oct 02 2007

Business insurance specialists the Alan Boswell Group have announced an exclusive deal for UK members of the prestigious Les Routiers network.

The special arrangement is underwritten by the UK's largest insurer, Norwich Union, and provides Les Routiers members with a pub insurance, restaurant insurance or hotel insurance package that has a number of exclusive features. These include discounted premiums, monthly premiums at no extra cost and a range of free services such as health & safety advice, risk management services and legal expenses cover.

Announcing the new scheme, Jon Preston from the Alan Boswell Group Leisure Insurance division commented: "This deal is great news for us and for the members of Les Routiers. We’re proud that IPA Purchasing has appointed us to work for the highly-regarded Les Routiers brand. We look forward to providing a service to the members which will reflect their own high quality and individuality."

Les Routiers is a network of independently run establishments including small hotels, restaurants, B&B's, pubs and inns, cafés and teashops. Members are listed in the Les Routiers guidebook which is published annually and highlights a wide variety of hostelries that might otherwise be overlooked by the average traveller.

In January 2007 the UK franchise for the Les Routiers brand was acquired by the purchasing consortium IPA. IPA Purchasing has plans to expand the network from its current level of 440 members to around 1000. They will also be maximising marketing opportunities for members using online and electronic media to supplement the traditional guidebook.

The high standards of the Les Routiers network are enforced through regular inspections and the organisation claims that only establishments which match high expectations are allowed to display the famous red and blue Les Routiers symbol. It was this in-built quality control process which proved to be an attractive proposition to AB Leisure’s chosen insurer as Jon Preston explains: "We demonstrated to Norwich Union that the Les Routiers network is a collection of quality pubs, hotels and restaurants where the owners take real pride in running their businesses."

"Naturally, the care and attention to detail that is required of Les Routiers members is reflected in their approach to business insurance. They have above-average awareness of the importance of risk management and therefore represent a better risk for the insurer. And from our perspective, the challenge of meeting the precise insurance needs of such varied establishments makes the broking job a lot more interesting."

Les Routiers members are being offered a free appraisal of their insurance requirements from the AB Leisure team and Preston is confident the scheme will appeal to the network’s members: "We have worked hard to secure a deal with Norwich Union which combines quality cover and service with competitive pricing."

About The Alan Boswell Group

The Alan Boswell Group is a leading independent insurance broker and independent financial adviser. The Group works with numerous affinity groups to supply insurance broking and risk management services to their members. The Les Routiers deal follows similar business insurance arrangements for TaxAssist Accountants, the Association of Reflexologists and the major teaching unions. The company also provides an exclusive home and garden insurance product for members of the Royal Horticultural Society but is best known nationally as the provider of landlords insurance to members of over 70 landlords associations and landlord accreditation schemes. The Group has around 150 staff based at offices in Norwich and Attleborough in Norfolk.

Alan Boswell Group PR contact details:

Jon Preston
Account Manager – Leisure Insurance
Alan Boswell Group
Harbour House
126 Thorpe Road
01603 708090
Company: Alan Boswell Group
Contact Name: Jon Preston
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 01603 708090

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