New Website Gives Fashion & Clothing Retailers Free Marketing Strategies To Grow Their Business.

From: Profitable Clothing Retailer
Published: Tue Nov 01 2005

"Clothing retailers have traditionally focused on product, price, merchandising and location to drive sales rather than on marketing. Although these areas are extremely important, clothing retailers are missing out on substantial sales and profits by not implementing basic marketing practices," said Shannon Curtis, principle of Profitable Clothing Retailer.

As part of his Marketing Super Course for Clothing Retailers Shannon reveals the top five strategies for unlocking the hidden profits in your clothing business, including …

1. How to double profits on your existing customers.

2. How to beat the cheapest price clothing retailers and avoid price competition altogether.

3. How to find out who your best customers are, and how to get more just like them.

4. How to drive the national chains crazy, and avoid the deadly price discounting cycle.

5. Why boring, traditional advertising is a waste, and the hidden secret for using advertising so as it delivers measurable sales results.

As a specialist clothing retailer marketing coach, he assists business owners who want to extract more profits from their business and get better returns from their marketing dollars.

For more information about clothing retail marketing strategies and to sign up for your free Marketing Super Course visit or call (03) 5243-5382.


Company: Profitable Clothing Retailer
Contact Name: Shannon Curtis
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 03 5243 5382

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