UltraSoft scoops major CRM award from the flexible managed workspace industry

From: UltraSoft Technologies
Published: Tue Nov 27 2007

UltraSoft scoops major CRM award from the flexible managed workspace industry

One of the UK’s leading suppliers of integrated software solutions for CRM, licensing and billing, UltraSoft Technologies, has scooped the prestigious bca Trade Supplier of the Year award, for outstanding performance in the delivery of tangible operational and revenue benefits to operators of flexible managed space across the UK.

The award was presented to UltraSoft at the Business Centre Association’s 7th Annual Industry Awards ceremony held in London on November 23rd.

Nominations for the award highlighted how the highest levels of support and resilience UltraSoft provided made them such an attractive proposition to operators, enabling bca members to enhance their client management processes whilst producing significant improvements to their bottom line.

bca chairman, Tony Waldron, commented, "It’s the quality and efficiency of supplier service provision that is the key differentiator of our industry. With all trade suppliers striving to excel in delivering the highest level of service, value for money and operational benefits, the judges’ task was tough and complex.

However, in the end it was the quality of the nominations which made UltraSoft a worthy winner by describing in detail how the quality and delivery of the UltraSoft supplier experience had enabled bca members to streamline their client interface with a profound effect on their business growth.

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"Our team has put a tremendous amount of work into the development and introduction of new products during the past twelve months, so I’m elated to receive this award from bca members in recognition of how well the new products have been received," comments Harun Biswas, managing director, UltraSoft Technologies. "We’ve been supplying integrated systems to the flexible space industry for the past ten years and it’s exceedingly satisfying to be recognised by the bca for the quality and performance of the service and support we provide."

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For further information please visit www.bca.uk.com or contact Colin Peck in the bca press office on 07802 606433.

Note to editors:
Established in 1989, the Business Centre Association (bca) has more than 670 member locations and is the only UK trade association representing the business centre and managed workspace industry. It specialises in providing support and guidance to owners and operators of centre, while setting industry standards and encouraging a network of excellence. It also provides an invaluable advice and location finder service for potential users of business centres.

Company: UltraSoft Technologies
Contact Name: colinpeck
Contact Email: colinjpeck@aol.com
Contact Phone: +44(0)7802 606433