GoshMe – The Web Search Assistant

From: GoshMe Inc.
Published: Fri Nov 11 2005

GoshMe - The Web Search Assistant, in its first Beta version, is already available at www.goshme.com. This alternative search tool makes use of Specialized Search Engines, also known as Specific or Vertical Search Engines, giving access to high quality material often not found by Conventional ones – due to technical reasons such material is invisible to Conventional Search Engines and therefore part of the so called Invisible Web.

Intended for users who worry about the search results’ reliability and ideal for in-depth searches from scientific papers to audio, video and image files. GoshMe inaugurates a new search dynamic: instead of searching directly through the WebPages related to the user’s key-words, GoshMe finds the best Specialized Engines through which the user has access to the answer links.

The advantages of using Specialized Engines are:
• They focus on specific areas of interest improving precision.
• Most of them count on human revision of the WebPages content.
• Specialized Engines drill down to material not directly accessible via a general search engine, material commonly referred to as the Invisible Web.

The GoshMe Project is a Brazilian initiative that aims at contributing to the online searches as well as at promoting high-quality sources.

For further information contact Daniel Murta, daniel@goshme.com

Company: GoshMe Inc.
Contact Name: Ricardo Beckerath
Contact Email: ricardo@goshme.com

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