Tesco reveal that almost 60% of parents still don’t know how to save their child’s life

From: Tesco
Published: Thu Dec 27 2007

New research commissioned by Tesco reveals that a shocking high percentage of new parents would not know what to do in an emergency to save their child's life.

In fact, the survey of 2,500 mums* has revealed less than 10% of new parents have had any child first aid training in the past 12 months and almost a quarter (24%) admit that they badly need a refresher course.

Some further figures from the Babysafe survey 2007:

- 27% of parents have had to cope with a choking incident, yet 60% did not feel confident in dealing with the situation

- Parents feel less confident about dealing with incidents involving chemical ingestion, yet nearly 16,000** children are taken to hospital each year following suspected poisoning by liquid

- An overwhelming 76% of mums say that parenthood is more worrying than they thought, with the highest response from those with 0-6 month olds.

- 74% of parents believe that staircases are one of the two ‘hot spots’ in the home (with 67% choosing the kitchen). Which is justified as over 261,000** accidents happen in the kitchen/utility room and over 268,000** accidents on staircases.

Latest figures suggest more than 416,000 children under five have accidents inside the home - with over 191,000 of them falling, slipping or tripping**, and some 3,000*** cases of meningitis result in 300 deaths every year.

To help parents gain confidence and learn basic first aid skills that could save their baby’s life, Tesco Baby & Toddler Club has launched a Babysafe seminar roadshow.

Although Tesco already have a detailed pregnancy guide and safety advice on the website, Tesco are now sponsoring 20 free two hour seminars on child-safety, which are being held in towns around the UK, where parents can come along and learn vital life-saving skills as well as pick up baby advice.

Run by The Royal Lifesaving Society UK experts for Tesco Baby & Toddler Club, the seminars have been especially designed to help parents cope with babies and young children in an emergency. The subjects covered include teaching them basic resuscitation techniques, the recovery position, what to do if a child drowns, choking, bleeding, burns, scalds, knowing about meningitis and what to look for and basic car-safety tips.

Supporting the campaign, leading TV doctor, Dr Hilary Jones, says: "As a parent your first priority is the safety of your child which is why it is so important for parents to feel confident and better prepared in the event of having to handle the more unsavoury part of parenthood – the medical emergency. These BabySafe seminars will give parents the skills that could help save their child’s life."

Di Standley, Chief Executive from The Royal Lifesaving Society, says: "Parents need all the help they can get and practical guidance is the best way for them to learn. Safety is a huge concern for parents, yet so many have little hands-on first aid knowledge. These seminars will give them the chance to up-date their skills or learn new ones and give them the confidence to respond positively in a crisis".

Jenna Copeland, Tesco Baby & Toddler Club Manager, says: "The Club is committed to helping make parenting that little bit easier. We talk to our members regularly, and when 86 per cent said they would be interested in attending a first-aid course we were inspired to launch BabySafe. We’re thrilled to be working with The Royal Life Saving Society UK to give our customers the skills they need to help keep their children safe."

* The BABYSAFE SURVEY 2007 was commissioned by Tesco Baby & Toddler Club, and carried out among its Mums’ Choice panel - an independent panel of over 4,000 parents
** Department of Trade and Industry for the Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System (HASS/LASS) database, 2002. Figures are provided by RoSPA under contract to the Department for Business and Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (formerly the DTI) using age bandings of 0-4 and 5-14 years.
*** Meningitis Research Foundation, September 2007


About Tesco:

Tesco plc, a UK-based international grocery and merchandising retailer, is Britain's largest supplier and the world's third largest grocery retailer, by both global sales and domestic market share.

Founded as a food specialist in 1929, Tesco has now expanded into diverse areas such as flowers, books, music, clothes, toys, telecoms and more. The company employs over 250,000 people, operates 1,779 stores across Europe and Asia and serves over 15 million customers.

The online grocery and wine business now has over 850,000 regular customers and more than 250,000 orders a week. Tesco continues to make progress with its international expansion strategy, while maintaining a strong core UK business.

PR contact:
Helen Beavis
BMA Communications
Althorp Hours
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SW17 7EB
020 8682 2482

Company: Tesco
Contact Name: Helen Beavis
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