While online sales are expected to hit 29 billion dollars this year many retailers had high hopes for Cyber Monday, the web shopping equivalent to "Black Friday". Black Friday is traditionally the first Friday after Thanksgiving. when retailers launch major sales. Cyber Monday is the first Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday and the Web shopping equivalent to Black Friday when online retailers see their first thrust of holiday sales.
One senior citizen found buying online can save him money, visiting online Teleflora florist http://www.800iloveyou.com this year featuring bouquets from Thomas Kinkade, Charles Wysocki and Waterford Crystal. It seems someone made a mistake and listed a Thomas Kinkade bouquet at just 00.01 and Morris Boxer happened to buy 3 before the error was corrected. He later contacted to company at 1-800-I-LOVE-YOU and asked if the price would be honored. The C.E.O. of the company, Ken Summerville says, "Yes, customer service is the most important aspect of our business and of course we will honor your purchase, but was quick in correcting the error.
This year 1-800-I-LOVE-YOU Flowers and Gifts is offering two bouquets from Thomas Kinkade, The Painter of Light. A Thomas Kinkade Hurricane Bouquet and Thomas Kinkade Christmas Tree, both expected to be a sell out this year. They are also offering three bouquets from Charles Wysocki, a Wysocki Sleigh Bouquet, a Wysocki Cachepot Christmas Bouquet and Poinsettia Bouquet. Also offered this year is a Waterford Emerald Bowl Bouquet. The featured bouquets this year, all from Teleflora are popular items each year for 1-800-I-LOVE-YOU Flowers and Gifts, which rank as a top florist in the Teleflora network of over 20,000 florists worldwide.
Buying flowers is a blooming business this time of year for 1-800-I-LOVE-YOU Flowers and Gifts, the online retailer charges no wire fee or service fee when ordering flowers on their web site or by calling their toll-free number.
David Decker
Online Writer
Customer Buys Bouquet For A Penny on Cyber Monday
Company: 1-800-I-LOVE-YOU
Contact Name: David Decker
Contact Email: ddavidsmiles@yahoo.com
Contact Phone: 1-800-456-8396
Contact Name: David Decker
Contact Email: ddavidsmiles@yahoo.com
Contact Phone: 1-800-456-8396