Release: Immediate
Date: 30 November 2005
Issued by: Conservatives in the European Parliament
Chris Heaton-Harris MEP, tel: +32 (0) 2 284 7523
MEP invites Labour official to football match following 'extreme' flag-wavers comments
Spin-doctor says St George flag synonymous with hooliganism
Brussels, 30th November 2005 -- Chris Heaton-Harris MEP, chairman of the Friends of Football group in the European Parliament, has invited a Labour Party spin-doctor to join him the next time he attends a football game to see for himself that the majority of football fans are upstanding citizens rather than extremists. His invitation follows comments sent by the top Labour official to a member of the public painting sports fans who carry the flag of St George as being tantamount to right-wing hooligans.
Terry White, who works in Labour's communications unit, was responding to a constituent who had asked "why is it that as a party you dislike the English so much?". Mr White's reply was that "wherever there is a hooligan behaviour, especially linked to extreme right-wing political groups, eg at football matches here and abroad, it is the flag of St George that is displayed."
Mr Heaton-Harris said:
"To paint all flag-waving football fans as extremist hooligans underlines how out of touch Labour has become. There are thousands of Brits who enjoy waving their national flag at the game without harbouring extremist views.
"Fans across the country have taken the lead in initiatives like the 'Let's Kick Racism Out of Football' campaign. For Labour to put these good citizens into the same box as hooligans and extremists is an affront to their valiant efforts.
"The next time I go and watch a game, I shall invite Mr White to join me so that he can see how flag-waving football fans are predominantly good people who are passionate about their club and country."
Notes to editors
A report in the Sun says a member of the public wrote to the Labour Party asking: ``Why is it that as a party you dislike the English so much?" and Terry White replied: ``It is a fact that the right and extreme right in Britain cloak themselves in the English flag, the cross of St George and claim to be the true representatives of the English.
``Wherever there is a hooligan behaviour, usually linked to extreme right-wing political groups, eg at football matches here and abroad, it is the flag of St George that is displayed.''
Contact: Chris Heaton-Harris MEP, tel: +32 (0) 2 284 7523, ; Stephen Jones - Conservative Press Office - tel: +32 (0) 2 284 2574 or +32 (0) 473 861762, ; James Holtum - Conservative Press Office - tel: +32 (0) 2 283 1138 or +32 (0) 473 211174,
MEP invites Labour official to football match following 'extreme' flag-wavers comments
Company: Conservatives in the European Parliament
Contact Name: Chris Heaton-Harris MEP
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Contact Phone: +32 473 211 174
Contact Name: Chris Heaton-Harris MEP
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Contact Phone: +32 473 211 174