Bathrooms And The Future - Repair Or Replace?

From: Plumbworld
Published: Fri Oct 26 2012

Observing analytical data over a 12-month period offers a large variety of information to the analyst on various aspects of the website and business. Plumbworld is a strong believer in tracking everything that goes on so that they can learn how and where to improve the website in order to maximise conversions and optimise usability.

The joy of analytics is that you can compare trends between different products or the same product over a different length of time. The most staggering differences are usually uncovered when comparing the data of a product from the present to how it performed in the past; it really gives the user an idea of how things are constantly changing and the different trends that occur.

Plumbworld has noticed a strong increase in the sales and searches for bathroom repair kits over the past 12 months. When comparing this data to the same product but 4 years ago, there is a definite emerging trend of people trying to fix their bathroom before replacing it completely.

Some people put this down to the current economical climate and the fact that people have to watch their spending a lot more than they used to. As they say, ‘every penny is important’ and the amount of pennies saved by fixing a bathroom compared to replacing it with an entire new bathroom suite is pretty considerable.

Scott Morris, Marketing Manager is the guy behind the analytics and was happy to comment on this latest trend: "Well to me it makes sense. Why replace an entire bath, basin or shower tray when you can simply buy a product that will fix or mask the damage? The average person can’t just go and blitz a few hundred pound to replace a bath which has a tiny crack in; we realise that and that’s why we offer such a wide range of bathroom repair products."

"Hopefully people realise how inexpensive scratch & chip repair kits are and start using them more frequently to touch up any damage in their bathroom!"
Whilst the country is still in recession and people don’t have spare money to throw at an entire bathroom refurbishment, fixing up little problems with touch up kits is definitely one of the smartest ways to save money.

The Plumbworld website is hosted on the large Online Home Retail network at present. The network already hosts close to 50 niche-specific websites which sell a whole range of products, varying from traditional wood burners all the way to toiletseats and bathpanels. Online Home Retail Limited was originally Plumbworld Ltd back in 1999 and since then it has been bought by the Grafton Group PLC in 2006 and received a brand overhaul in June 2012. The business now employs close to 60 people in its purpose built warehouse and offices whilst turning over in excess of £20 million per year.
Company: Plumbworld
Contact Name: scottonlinehomeretail
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