Fysiko brand extends its beauty line by new product, Fysiko Brow Serum as addition to Fysiko Eyelash

From: Beauty Essentials LLC
Published: Fri Nov 30 2012

"The decision had been made due to high demand of male and female customers to have a product that not only helps to grow eyebrows, but also has special applicator that allows evenly distribution of Fysiko Brow Serum to customer’s eyebrows," commented Alina Sommers, Beauty Essentials LLC representative. "We received thousands of letters from different parts of the world inquiring about product with special eyebrow applicator, because, although Fysiko Eyelash Growth serum could be very successfully applied to eyebrows, special application brush is needed and demanded by market."

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum had been presented to market not that far ago and became instant success. Brand gains popularity fast mostly due to very effective solution to market’s demand. There are several products on the eyelash enhancement market that already very successful but Fysiko Eyelash Serum has tens of thousands satisfied customers. The advantage this brand has compare to other products is ingredient list (natural compare to glaucoma medication), size (it comes in large, 8 ml container, that lasts 6-8 months), competitive retail price ($139.00 for 6-8 months’ supply) and convenient applicator. Add to this list availability of product online as well as at spas and salons, convenience of purchasing it from your home computer and have it shipped pretty much anywhere in the world.

Fysiko Eyebrow Serum will have slightly different ingredients than Fysiko Eyelash Serum, due to different texture of eyelashes and eyebrows, but will remain natural. Company expects Fysiko Eyebrow Serum to be as successful on the market as eyelash serum. In fact, Alina Sommers, the Beauty Essentials LLC representative, admitted that they have had to move manufacture of Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum to a larger facility this year because of the steep increase in demand.

To know more about the product that has become really popular in salons and spas all over Utah, and online direct sales customers from all over the world, visit the website, http://fysikolashes.com.
Company: Beauty Essentials LLC
Contact Name: Milla Semina
Contact Email: milla@fysikolashes.com
Contact Phone: 1-888-518-0111

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