A new Boots survey* has found that two thirds of people worry about the amount of fat they consume each day. These findings are worrying, but perhaps not surprising when it is considered alongside the fact that the average British diet is comprised of 34% fat, while the recommended daily intake is just 20% - that is 50g for men and 40g for women. In addition, according to government statistics one in four men and one in three women are overweight or obese and there are predictions that if the trend continues this will amount to over 12 million overweight UK adults by 2010.
With this in mind, Boots has announced that it is introducing LIPObind from Goldshield Healthcare, a new weight management product that helps naturally reduce the amount of fat the body absorbs from food, cutting down blood cholesterol as well as decreasing food cravings.
LIPObind is a certified medical device made from dried cactus extract, which in clinical trials has been proven to remove 27% of undigested fats and up to 150 calories from a standard meal**. When taken after food, LIPObind immediately attaches to dietary fats in the stomach creating a fat-fibre complex that is too large to be absorbed in the small intestine. Two LIPObind tablets have been proven to bind with up to 17g of fat, which is then passed naturally through the body. It is ideal for helping people achieve a healthy body weight when used in conjunction with a calorie controlled diet and an appropriate level of physical exercise.
Nutritionist Dr. Chris Fenn said: "People are often unaware of the amount of fat they consume on a daily basis as the typical modern diet is high in fatty foods such as takeaways and convenience foods and food nutrition labelling is often overlooked. Excessive fat intake not only causes people to be overweight but has more serious health implications such as coronary artery disease and strokes."
About Boots
Boots is a UK retailer of health products, also providing health information on a wide variety of topics.
Boots Pharmacy Superintendent is responsible for healthcare advice provided in relation to Pharmacy medicines and other healthcare advice located within the Boots Pharmacy pages of Boots.com. Boots.com is the trading name of Boots.com Direct Limited (VAT No. 116 3001 29),an Alliance Boots company. All other information and advice on Boots.com is the responsibility of Boots.com Direct Limited.
* Survey by 72 point of 4000 adults conducted in July 2007
** Pilot clinical study on Fat Binding – Data on file
For further press information please contact:
Carrie Eames
PR Manager
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NG90 1BS
Tel: 0115 959 5995
Boots.com introduces LIPObind for people worried about fat consumption
Company: Boots.com
Contact Name: Carrie Eames
Contact Email: enquiries@pr-sending.co.uk
Contact Phone: 0115 959 5995
Contact Name: Carrie Eames
Contact Email: enquiries@pr-sending.co.uk
Contact Phone: 0115 959 5995