First National Innovation Brokers is backing the digital currency Swiftcoin over other digital currencies. According to the market advisory and Daniel Bruno, Chartered Market Technician, the spike in the e money Bitcoin is a classic speculative bubble and is the Achilles Heel of deflationary and volatile digital currency systems. First National Innovation Brokers, the pioneer in digital currency services, is being opposed on blogs and forums such as, operated by Martti Malmi.
First National Innovation Brokers marketing chief Greg Alexander said that libel and defamation against are a constant challenge as naive bloggers without any credentials in finance attempt to build a name for themselves by scaring consumers away from, the Swiftcoin digital currency platform where ten Swiftcoins may be had at no charge for new comers to BNAK.
According to Allen Dodson, business development director, the defamation strategy against FNIB is to scare clients away from Swiftcoin by calling a scam even though the firm has never had a single client complain since its founding in 2011. He said that "Internet users not qualified to give market opinions are attempting to mislead the public. Its a constant public relations headache."
To remedy the ignorance and disinformation, the forum was established with the mission to educate the public about digital currency systems, expose scams, unqualified investment advisers and self proclaimed forex gurus.
According to Daniel Bruno, the e money Swiftcoin was designed to provide price stability and alternative to Bitcoin, which in the last two years has collapsed to zero and soared to US$89, making it impractical for commerce in real goods and services and a magnet for get rich quick swindles. The Swiftcoin wallet can be backed up and saved to a thumb drive or external disc outside one's computer. Swiftcoins can be purchased easily online at
Daniel Bruno, a Chartered Market Technician and a Post Graduate in Finance from Oxford University, said that Bitcoin is in the euphoria stage of a dot com type of bubble that will wipe out the savings of naive investors when it inevitably collapses again. "Those who bought Bitcoin low will profit as distribution of cash moves upwards from a large number of naive latecomers to a small number of early speculators, assuming there is no liquidity crunch at Mt. Gox. Its analogous to musical chairs." Mr. Bruno can be reached at
Daniel Bruno is qualified to offer professional opinions on option trading strategies, forex trading strategies, optimal trading strategies and high probability trading. He has partnered with to offer market opinions to forex and gold traders.
First National Innovation Brokers was the first and continues to be the only forex trading platform to accept the digital currency Swiftcoin and the digital currency Bitcoin as funding methods and has produced draw videos to help consumers understand forex trading and digital currency systems such as Swiftcoin.
Swiftcoin is e money that inhabits computers just as email and word documents do. You can send Swiftcoin to anybody just as quickly and easily as you would send email and word document attachments. Swiftcoin also serves as an encrypted mailing service and is free to download and use.
Cash is regularly lost, stolen or damaged. Currency scares about the fate of the dollar and the euro cause these and other fiat currencies to lose their purchasing power. The perceived safety of bank accounts has eroded and investment accounts have been proven unsafe in the wake of MF Global. Bitcoin has many similarities to a Ponzi scheme.
Swiftcoin, on the other hand, is a stable digital currency. It is e money designed to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It is not subject to pump and dump schemes.
Your Swiftcoin value and spending is private. Keep it on any computer or thumb drive.
FNIB computer servers do not control, regulate, govern or have access to personal Swiftcoin wallets. The Swiftcoin wallet is not identifiable by name. Surveillance of wallets is not possible. Swiftcoin users may have as many Swiftcoin wallets as they please. Swiftcoin wallets and their contents remain unaffected by events at FNIB. Transactions proceed as usual.
You can use your Swiftcoin to buy and sell goods and services on the Internet at or use it to send digitl currency to anyone around the world in seconds. A Swiftcoin wallet is all that is needed to send or receive Swiftcoin. No registration or fees required.
Swiftcoin is readily available for purchase at
Ten free Swiftcoins are given to all newcomers who request them. "This serves as a demo. We hope the Internet haters will try it before they start blogging about it," said Greg Alexander.
About First National BNAK
BNAK is an over-the-counter exchange where Swiftcoin and Solidus bonds can be bought and sold. Its mission is to reduce volatility, provide liquidity and serve as a Swiftcoin market price indicator. BNAK is operated by First National Innovation Brokers.
First National Innovation Brokers and the First National BNAK present Swiftcoin
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