Clothing Retailing in Germany | Verdict Market Report - New Report Available

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Wed May 01 2013

We forecast the German clothing market to grow by 1.7% in 2013. While trading conditions are tough, Germany has remained resilient, despite concerns over the economy in late 2012. The introduction of new fashion brands, and increased incorporation of trends in retailers' ranges, as well as a growing interest in fashion and appearance by consumers will encourage spending.

Scope of this Report

* Make informed investment decisions using clothing expenditure forecasts to 2018 for the German market.
* Understand how economic pressures such as unemployment and GDP growth are affecting clothing expenditure, in order to shape future strategy.
* Uncover how the clothing market is split by value/midmarket/premium and see where competitors lie to assess the threat posed.
* Discover the size of the online clothing market and the forecast to 2018 - aiding investment decisions in multichannel operations.

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Report Highlights

We forecast the German clothing market to grow by 9.4% between 2013 and 2018. Growth in the coming five years will be aided by higher volumes as increased competition and availability of fashionable product encourage more frequent purchases.

Germany's clothing market is large - the largest in the EU27 region - and yet it is highly fragmented with no one player with a commanding lead over the rest. When it comes to retail channels however, clothing specialists dominate the market, with more than a 60% share - ensuring competition is intense.

As is the trend across the EU, mature shoppers in Germany remain neglected by clothing retailers, with many new entrants such as Primark and Hollister, focusing on younger shoppers. However, with an additional 6.5 million 65+s by 2040, clothing retailers need to cater to these shoppers or risk losing sales to competitors that do.

Reasons to Get this Report

* Which segments in the German clothing market are the most attractive for retailers in the coming five years?
* Which channels are increasing their share of the clothing market? As a department store operator how do I reinvigorate sales?
* What is the size of the German online clothing market and how should I utilise multichannel retailing in Germany?
* As a new entrant to the German clothing market, what should i be aware of?

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