Increasing outbreak of foodborne illnesses and poisoning risks in Europe has resulted European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to impose strict food safety regulations. The food safety regulations specify maximum permitted level of any contaminant in food. EFSA has also specified that all the food manufacturers are responsible for safety of food. So, food safety testing has to be implemented during all the stage of food production to ensure absence of contaminations and prevent any potential health risks upon consumption of contaminated food. The regulatory bodies in Europe have been implementing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems to ensure food safety. Implementation of these food safety regulations has been driving the food safety testing market. Globalization of food supply and demand of the consumer for food safety and information has further helped the market to grow.
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This report explicitly describes the European food safety testing market in terms of contaminants such as pathogens, toxins, pesticides, genetically modified organisms and other contaminants such as food allergens, chemical residues, etc. in five countries such as U.K., Germany, France, Italy, and Poland. Safety testing of food products such as meat & poultry products, dairy products, processed food, fruit & vegetable using technologies such as traditional & rapid testing methods has been described in the report. The report also specifies food safety contaminant testing market based on pathogen subtypes, in various food types, and countries.
The European food safety testing market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% by 2018. In 2011, foodborne outbreak of STEC E. coli in Germany was responsible for hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) in more than three thousand consumers and resulted in rigorous implementation of food safety regulations. In 2012, Germany dominated the food safety testing market and is projected to be the fastest growing food safety testing market in Europe. The EFSA have been strictly supervising the implementation of HACCP systems by food manufacturers. The food safety concern among consumers has also been increasing due to the media influence and contamination of genetically modified food that may pose as an unknown risk upon consumption. The market has been driven by the testing of food material during every stage of food production and processing.
European Food Safety Testing Market
Source: MarketsandMarkets Analysis
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"European Food Safety Testing Market - Trends & Forecast To 2018" Published
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