Frozen bakery makes up a significant portion of the food processing market, globally. Bakery trade is one of the most profitable fields and most bakeries have good return on capital. This industry maintains the characteristics of a stable and robust sector throughout the world. This category also includes those frozen baked products which are used in the manufacturing of other items or used in institutional food services, such as pizza crusts. The global market accounts for almost 8% of the total frozen food market. The global market is progressing towards more diversified operations that offer more healthy and sophisticated products. People are becoming more health-conscious, which is increasing the demand for healthy ingredients. These premium priced ingredients are expected to increase the market value of the frozen bakery sector over the next several years.
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This report provides a study on the global market. This research report categorizes the global market for products based on types, distribution channels, and geography. It estimates demand for global as well as different regional markets. Market revenues have also been identified for all regional markets and segmented based on product types and distribution channels.
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market, which is witnessing steady growth because of its diverse product portfolio. Frozen bakery products such as frozen breads, frozen pizza crust, frozen pastries, frozen cakes, other products have been identified in the report. Frozen pizza crust comprise of the largest share of the market due to the increasing consumption of frozen pizza as part of daily meal in the western countries. In addition, frozen breads also account for the second largest share of the market due to its additional advantage over fresh bread, which has very less shelf life. Due to the increasing trade activities of frozen cakes and pastries, especially in the North-American regions, the market for these products is expected to rise.
This report describes the market across the globe. The regions covered include North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, etc.), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Australia, etc.), and Rest of the World (Brazil, South Africa, etc.). The growth strategies of the market players have been identified and analyzed. The manufacturers are keenly aware of the emerging Asian, Latin American, and Eastern European markets as potential drivers of the business. The market is predicted to continue flourishing in both developed and developing regions. The growth is also attributed to the growing demands for healthy and nutritious products and increase in the demand for processed food. U.S. is one of the largest players in the frozen bakery business.
Frozen Bakery Market Revenue By Geography, 2011-2018 ($Million)
Frozen Bakery Market
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Frozen Bakery Market - Global Trends & Forecasts to 2018
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