Latest Trends and Key Issues in the Chinese Retail Packaging Market

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Fri Oct 25 2013

Product Synopsis

* "Latest Trends and Key Issues in the Chinese Retail Packaging Market" is a detailed industry report providing comprehensive analysis of the emerging trends and opportunities in China's packaging market.
* The report is a result of a thorough analysis of consumer trends, packaging manufacturing trends and packaging innovation within China's consumer packaged goods market. The report provides both qualitative and quantitative insights into each of the packaging materials- Flexible, Glass, Rigid Plastic, Rigid Metal, and Paper andBoard.
* The report includes detailed tables and charts to provide a comprehensive understanding of packaging consumption to clearly establish market trends, packaging dynamics, and areas of future growth potential.
* It provides an overview of the competitive landscape of the Chinese packaging sector with an analysis of the key market leaders including a snap shot of major deals

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Introduction and Landscape
Why was the report written?
Packaging companies and retailers seek the latest information on consumer trends and opportunities to formulate their sales and marketing strategies. There is also demand for authentic market data with a high level of detail. This report has been created to provide its readers with up-to-date information and analysis to uncover emerging opportunities of growth within the CPG market.

What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
As consumer product demand evolves the dynamics between different packaging types also evolves - favouring some packaging types and formats, and leaving others increasingly out of line with demand patterns. As a result, understanding the shifting market dynamics is key to ensuring maximum sales in the future.

What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
The differential growth across different packaging materials and formats drives fundamental shifts in the market. These differentials result from various factors such as changing consumer preferences, regulatory compliance, and innovation within the packaging market.

What makes this report unique and essential to read?
The report is a unique combination of in-depth qualitative analysis and authoritative packaging data for the years 2007-2017. Each packaging material has detailed data break up by packaging type, closure material, closure type, outer material, and outer type.

Key Features and Benefits
Comprehensive coverage of the key consumer trends affecting the CPG market. Markets covered include alcoholic drinks, food, health and beauty, home improvement, household care, non-alcoholic drinks, pet care, and tobacco and tobacco products

Detailed analysis of each packaging material providing detailed break up including pack types, closures, and outers.

Provides key manufacturing and innovation trends in the packaging industry.

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Company: Fast Market Research, Inc.
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