The main event of 2014 is likely to be the development of "mixed feeding", in other words a lower volume decline for wet cat food, together with the on-going upsurge of dry cat food. Whilst mainstream manufacturers of premium brands previously tended to warn consumers off wet food in pet specialist stores, they are increasingly advising to feed a mix of dry and wet cat food. Even in grocery retailers, wet cat food could enjoy a temporary respite or lower decline in volume terms than usual, thanks to the introduction of mini pouches of 50g in 2014, such as Petit Appetit de Chat Gourmet by Nestle Purina PetCare.
Competitive Landscape
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The competitive landscape is not likely to drastically change in 2014. The main development should be slightly higher concentration than in 2013, with mainstream players such as Nestle Purina PetCare and Affinity Petcare expanding better than others, and at the expense of private label. Holding a combined share of 59%, Nestle Purina PetCare and Mars Petcare & Food should continue to drive sales of cat food, launching new premium products, especially in therapeutic and non-therapeutic premium cat food. Functional cat treats, single-portion pouches of premium wet cat food and dried croquettes for neutered and/or senior cats will remain areas of focus in 2014.
Industry Prospects
The main trend in the coming years should be the continuous popularisation of food for neutered cats, in premium through to mid-priced cat food. The share of sterilised cats in the cat population, which reached 74% in 2012, up two percentage points compared with 2010, is expected to continue to expand. Almost all brands and players will notably focus on this segment; nonetheless, once again Royal Canin could be ahead of its time. If the breakthrough of Royal Canin Sterilised Appetite Control continues in 2014, it could shuffle the cards by putting sterilisation at the forefront, instead of age, life cycle or lifestyle. In the middle of the review period, Royal Canin segmented its offering for cats first with Indoor/Outdoor and then with Neutered/Non-Neutered. From now, Neutered/Non-Neutered could be the first level of segmentation for Royal Canin in cat food. It could give specialist stores a new weapon to differentiate from grocery retailers.
Report Overview
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Cat Food in France - New Study Released
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