Market Report, "Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers in Argentina", published

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Tue Jan 20 2015

2014 was marked by strong legal disputes between the City of Buenos Aires and the national government on the products that are allowed to be offered in parapharmacies/drugstores. Whilst the Ministry of Health of the Nation by the Pharmacy Law 26.567 established that these stores are allowed to sell only medications or hygiene products, the government of the City of Buenos Aires by Decree 41/14 enables these outlets to carry on other business activities which do not interfere with the sale of remedies. In 2014 chains such as Farmacity and Vantage continued to sell products other than drugs, although the Argentinean Pharmaceutical Confederation (COFA) and the College of Pharmacists and Biochemists Capital Federal oppose it, and a tough legal battle is expected.

Competitive Landscape

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Farmacity led health and beauty specialist retailers with a value share of 5% in 2014, reaching ARS5.0 billion. Farmacity has outlets under the brands Farmacity, Farmacias del Aguila and Farmacias Mitre; the latter two in the province of Mendoza. In 2011 Farmacity acquired the outlets of Farmacias del Aguila and Farmacias Mitre, but the provincial government indicated that outlets which are already authorised must be operated with the name or business with which they were authorised, and renaming is only is allowed for up to two pharmaceutical establishments.

Industry Prospects

The growth projection for health and beauty specialist retailers is a value CAGR of 2% at constant 2014 prices in the forecast period. This slow performance can be explained by the economic difficulties in the country in the coming years, which will affect the performance of health and beauty specialist retailers.

Report Overview

Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers industry in Argentina with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.

Find hidden opportunities in the most current research data available, understand competitive threats with our detailed market analysis, and plan your corporate strategy with our expert qualitative analysis and growth projections.

If you're in the Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers industry in Argentina, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.

The Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers in Argentina market research report includes:

* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
* Detailed market shares for international and locally-based retailers
* Historic number of stores, selling space and values, company and brand market shares
* Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth  
* Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country

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Company: Fast Market Research, Inc.
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