High-income consumers in Ukraine continued to indulge in a high level of coffee consumption in 2014, as the latest global trend in retail coffee, coffee machines, which use coffee capsules or coffee pods, gained a significant foothold in Ukraine. As a result of the advent of this trend among high-income consumers, many Ukrainians began to change the way in which they consumed coffee. Mid- to low-income Ukrainians sought cheaper products due to their high degree of price sensitivity and the ongoing effects of the economic crisis. Private label coffee was increasingly favoured by mid- to low-income consumers as a result of limited finances.
Competitive Landscape
Multinationals dominate coffee sales in Ukraine. Mondelez Ukraine led sales during 2014, recording a 36% retail volume share and a 43% retail value share of coffee. The success of the company can be attributed to its leading position in instant coffee, where it recorded a 35% volume share and a 45% value share in 2014.
Full Report Details at
- http://www.fastmr.com/prod/993830_coffee_ukraine.aspx?afid=301
Industry Prospects
Coffee has stable positioning among consumers in Ukraine. This is not expected to change over the forecast period; however, coffee players will have to cope with increasing prices on the commodity markets, weak purchasing powers among consumers in Ukraine and competition from other hot drinks categories. Even with these different forces influencing the situation, coffee sales are expected to increase in volume terms at a CAGR of 1% over the forecast period, and they will rise in value terms at a CAGR of 5% at constant 2014 prices. Coffee is anticipated to see further polarisation between high-quality and premium products and more-affordable ones. Consumers will increasingly demand quality in categories such as fresh ground coffee, fresh ground coffee pods and instant coffee; however, at the same time, a significant proportion of consumers will demand less-expensive and more-affordable products, as price sensitivity among households will continue to be seen over the forecast period.
Report Overview
Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Coffee industry in Ukraine with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
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If you're in the Coffee industry in Ukraine, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
The Coffee in Ukraine market research report includes:
* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
* Detailed segmentation of international and local products
* Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
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"Coffee in Ukraine" is now available at Fast Market Research
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