Now Available: The Children's Snacking Market: key trends and future developments shaping the market

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Mon Aug 03 2015

'The Children's Snacking Market: key trends and future developments shaping the market' is a detailed consumer insight report, exploring into the future of Kids Snacking in both developing and developed countries. It examines market growth, consumer behavior, and product development by leading innovators in order to highlight the most important trends and identify untapped opportunities.

Key Findings

* The degree of meal-time fragmentation that is occurring, a result of the busy lifestyles of adults and non-adults, combined with changing household structures is causing a rise in snacking occasions across the globe.
* The desire for Indulgence is important across all areas of the Kid's Snacking market, highlighting the desire for regular tasty treats and the unwillingness to compromise on the taste.
* Although not the most important influence, the desire for Better Value for Money has a moderate influence. This represents a strong influence from the parent in choosing snacks for their kids, as well as retailers' private label strategies are gaining success.
* In the developing economies, it is females that tend to over-consume when it comes to non-adult snacking occasions, whilst in the developed economies it is males that noticeably over-consume.
* Individually packed portion sizes, allowing parents to better control their kids snack intake are growing in popularity due to the rising awareness of health issues related to obesity and a growing understanding that all foods can form part of a healthy lifestyle so long as they are consumed in moderation.
* Expanding ranges from fast food restaurants and coffee shops to offer more snack options is expanding the Kid's Snacking market beyond planned purchases from the supermarket or impulse purchases from convenience stores.

Full Report Details at

'The Children's Snacking Market: key trends and future developments shaping the market' highlights key consumer groups that offer both new and ongoing opportunities in the Kid's Snacking market. It identifies key trends in the snacking arena and how to effectively position differentiated products to target consumer needs. Important consumption motivations and changes in consumer behavior are analyzed and recommendations for manufacturers and retailers are drawn from this, identifying profitable markets and areas for innovation.

Get access to:

* Analysis of the Kid's Snacking market at current across developed and developing economies, including market sizing and growth rates.
* Analysis of key trends influencing Kid's Snacking consumption patterns and recommendations of how best to target such trends.
* Examples of case studies and how these marketing strategies have been applied to help further success the brand or products
* Awareness of key barriers affecting the market and how these can be overcome

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Company: Fast Market Research, Inc.
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