Baby and child-specific products saw a slowdown in growth in 2014, in spite of improving economic conditions. Although volume and value sales of overall beauty and personal care products increased faster than earlier in the review period, baby and child-specific products recorded slower current value growth. As the birth rate is still relatively low in Hungary and the population under 14 years is decreasing, there is no significant potential for the category to grow. Due to the low inflation rate, unit prices increased only marginally in most categories, and volume sales growth did not significantly boost sales either.
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Competitive Landscape
Johnson & Johnson Hungary maintained its leading position within baby and child-specific products in 2014, with a 19% value share, due to the stable leading position of its well-established and affordable Johnson’s Baby brand, which is present in all categories. Unilever Magyarország ranked second with a 13% share with its Gabi brand, which has a long history in Hungary, and it is regularly renewed to meet the current needs of babies and children. SCA Hygiene Products held third position in 2014, accounting for a 9% share of value sales. This company is especially successful in baby wipes, holding the leading position, which contributed to its overall ranking.
Industry Prospects
Baby and child-specific products is expected to be similarly uneventful over the forecast period, as it was during the review period. Although the government implemented numerous measures to help families with children, the birth rate is not expected to increase over the forecast period, and the population of babies and children will also decline. The category is mature; however, there is growing interest in natural products, which could be a driving trend in the future. Volume sales are expected to be stable or increase in all categories, whilst value sales are expected to increase by a CAGR of 2% at constant 2014 prices, due to moderately increasing unit prices.
Report Overview
Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Baby and Child-specific Products industry in Hungary with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
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If you're in the Baby and Child-specific Products industry in Hungary, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
The Baby and Child-specific Products in Hungary market research report includes:
* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
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