The average unit price of cigarettes increased by 12% in current terms in 2015, a rate of growth which contributed to the negative volume sales recorded in the category over the course of the year. Cigarettes are subject to high levels of taxation in Brazil, which continues to have an inflationary effect on the retail selling prices of cigarettes. As a result, many Brazilian smokers are reducing the number of cigarettes that they smoke on a daily basis as a consequence of elevated prices or, alternatively, switching to illegal cigarettes, which are much cheaper.
Competitive Landscape
The Brazilian tobacco industry is effectively a duopoly in which sales are concentrated largely between Souza Cruz (British American Tobacco) and Philip Morris Brasil, with these two companies accounting for 94% of total cigarettes retail volume sales in 2014. Consequently, multinational companies lead sales of cigarettes in Brazil.
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Industry Prospects
Retail volume sales of cigarettes are expected to decline at a CAGR of 4% over the forecast period, falling to 60.3 billion sticks in 2019. The main reasons behind this poor performance are the continuous increase in the taxation of cigarettes, which is set to continue having an impact in terms of the reducing the number of smokers during the forecast period, in addition to anti-smoking control programmes.
Report Overview
Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Cigarettes industry in Brazil with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
Find hidden opportunities in the most current research data available, understand competitive threats with our detailed market analysis, and plan your corporate strategy with our expert qualitative analysis and growth projections.
If you're in the Cigarettes industry in Brazil, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
TheĀ Cigarettes inĀ Brazil market research report includes:
* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
* Detailed segmentation of international and local products
* Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
* Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
* Production, imports, and exports of finished cigarettes
* Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country
Our market research reports answer questions such as:
* What is the market size of Cigarettes in Brazil?
* What are the major brands in Brazil?
* What is the legislative environment like in Brazil?
* What are the rates of cigarette taxation in Brazil?
* Do premium, mid-price or economy cigarettes dominate in Brazil?
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Cigarettes in Brazil - New Market Study Published
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Contact Name: Bill Thompson
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